Our house has been in disarray for about 3 weeks now. Progress is being made on our bedroom. The worst and messiest is over!
We set up our bed in the spare bedroom (soon to be Vera's room) for the time being. Everything else went in our front living room. Thank goodness for that room because it seems like it becomes the "store and lock" for every project we've ever done.
Can we say disaster area? Yikes! |
Adam has done a good job with all of the painting. He spent a week or so painting trim and closet doors for our bedroom. He and his dad painted the walls last week. Last weekend, he hung the trim around the windows and doors.
Vera insisted in helping paint the door one Sunday afternoon. So they found her paint shirt (or shall we say paint dress?) and a little artist brush, and she went to work. She had fun and did a good job helping dad! |
Next up is tearing out the carpet and laying the new. Finally, some baseboard trim and some new blinds, and we'll be ready to move our things back in. It will be nice to have everything clean and fresh when we put it back in.
Freshly painted walls and window trim complete. |
I haven't been much help. Adam will probably tell you that my role has been supervising. Sewing some curtains for our bedroom has been about the extent of my help. It has only taken nearly six years for me to get some curtains hung. I have had the fabric for a long (ok really, really long!) time.
Here's one of the curtains for our bedroom. I hung it up real quick in the spare bedroom to see how it looked. |
My curtain-making didn't stop there. I also made a pair of curtains for Vera's new bedroom. My hope is that with some cool curtains and other fun décor, she'll take to the idea of moving to a new room more willingly.
I've discovered that curtain-making at 24 weeks in pregnancy isn't such an easy task. It's involved a lot of up and down from the floor. To make things work, I've had to do my measuring and cutting on the floor, then up to the sewing machine to sew a little. Back to the floor to lay it out and check some measurements, then back to the table...about 40 times. The up and down got old and annoying after a while.
Here's the fruit of my five hour afternoon-long project. I might add some ribbon or detail to the bottom of them yet. Overall, I was pretty happy with how they turned out. Vera was super-excited about the curtains and putting them up in her new room. She especially likes the sparkly bows on them. |
Soon enough we'll be ready for you, Little One! |