Friday, May 30, 2014

First Campfire of 2014

Memorial Day weekend marked the unofficial start to summer.  We spent lots of time outside enjoying the gorgeous weather.  Dad built a campfire in the back yard, and our little family of 3.5 sat outside on a crisp, clear and calm Saturday evening to enjoy it. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Summertime means...

...corn on the cob!  Vera Lou loves corn on the long as she has the "handles" to hold on to it and it isn't too hot.  She does a really good job of biting it off the cob and chowing down!

Vera's New Look

We went to see Dr. Ruhenkamp at the end of April.   It was time for a new pair of glasses for Vera.  Her first pair were getting tight behind the ears, and they also had several scratches on them.  Dr. Ruhenkamp said her prescription changed slightly and still an astigmatism, so a new pair of glasses was definitely a good idea.  In talking with their staff, we had only one pair of glasses in her size that we could order.  Vera wanted purple glasses, and fortunately this one and only came in purple.  Schew!  When it was time to leave the office, Vera couldn't understand why we weren't leaving with the new glasses.  It is hard to explain to a 3 year-old that the glasses had to be ordered and made especially for her.  After a few weeks, Adam took Vera to pick up the new glasses.  Here is her new look:

She wasn't at all thrilled about taking a picture with the new glasses.

Trying not to smile...
That's better!

30 Weeks

I took this picture myself before leaving for Ansonia's Prom.  Here I am at 30 weeks 6 days.