Friday, October 17, 2014

Something Weird Has Happened

I almost hesitate to write about this.  Something very strange has happened in our house.  Adam and I are still in disbelief.  We don't know what happened, but just like the flip of a switch, Vince decided it was time to be happy.  The day I went back to work, things started to change.  Prior to that, he was good, but he still woke up through the night, did plenty of fussing, and required maximum attention at all times.  I also think that we all became so immune to the crying that it didn't bother us anymore.  These days, he smiles, lays on the floor alone, sleeps all night, and interacts with everyone more.  He even falls asleep on car rides.  Previously, we'd dread car rides (of any length) because Vin would scream the entire ride.  He cries now for usual baby things, instead of crying just because.

I don't have anything to attribute this change to.  Maybe it was getting him to a new environment with Patty that made the change.  Maybe it was that I bumped him up to six ounce bottles.  Maybe it was having him baptized and washing the fussiness right out of him.  Maybe I just got tough and refused to wake up through the night to feed him.  I'm really starting to think that it was colic combined with reflux.  People have told me that children with colic sometimes just snap out of it one day and become happy babies.

In any case, the change has been quite welcomed!  I am so grateful that he's good at Patty's house.  It's nice to be able to go places and do things around home without the stress of a fussy little boy.  We knew it would get better.  I would've never guessed it'd take three months.  We love the little guy to pieces.  He brings smiles to our faces and fullness to our hearts!

Vince's Baptism

We had Vin's baptism on Sunday, September 28--the day he turned 3 months!  The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed good food and company while celebrating Vince's special day.

Godparents Mandy & Jeff

4 generations

 The kids had so much fun playing together.  They were all exhausted at the end of the day. There are no pictures of Vera getting run over by the PowerWheels Jeep, but I have to mention it here for memory's sake.  Blake was the driver, Bailey the passenger, and poor Vera just couldn't get out of the way in time.  Thankfully, no one was hurt and Vera recovered well.

The newest, most handsome little Catholic: Vince Michael Pearson

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Fall Festival

While I was still off work, we slipped in one last camping trip to Fall Festival.  It's always a fun weekend of camping because there's a lot to do.  Unfortunately, the weather was a little chilly so Vince and I slept at home each night, but Vera stayed in the camper with grandma and her dad.

Vera loved the face paintings.  She cried when we had to wash the paint off at the end of Saturday, so on Sunday her dad took her to get another.

The bounce house was more fun for Vera than for grandma and mom who were watching from the outside.  Vera got bounced around like popcorn because she's so small.  She said she had fun, but it was pretty crazy inside!

On Sunday morning, Paula took Vera out and about while dad packed up the camper.  It was pretty chilly!

The second face paint was Hello Kitty.

When Vera and dad came home with the camper, she spent some time playing outside--complete with Hello Kitty face paint, Ariel dress, and helmet.  The people driving by were probably scratching their heads.  Vera isn't the best Jeep driver.  Here she is trying to get herself out of one of the many mishaps she's had with the jeep.  She hasn't mastered the skill of steering so well.  More than once she's hit the camper and vehicles.

On Friday of Fall Festival, my mom and I had fun garage saleing around Ft. Loramie.  We snagged many deals for the kids.  Here's Mr. Vince with a free hat Paula grabbed for him.