Monday, July 27, 2015

Swimming Lessons

Vera took swimming lessons for the first time this summer.  It was four days per week for two weeks.  At first, Vera was not excited about going.  She was very unsure of what to expect, and the first days were chilly.  Her little teeth chattered and her entire body shivered, but she didn't complain too much.  After the first few days, she was excited about going and couldn't wait to tell her dad about the activities and skills she worked on each day.

Diving for the ring.
Vera started in a group of younger kids, but was moved to another group by the third day.  I think it took the life guards a few days to determine which groups would be the best fit for the kids.  Her instructors were all really good.  Vera loved diving for the rings in the pool.  It was probably her favorite part.  They also worked on jumping in the pool, beginning freestyle swim skills, kicking, blowing bubbles, floating, going down the slide, and just being comfortable in the water.  Vera really came a long way at the end of the lessons.  She really built her confidence and comfort in the water.  It was fun to watch her progress each day.

Many of the mornings, the older members of the Versailles swim team were practicing at the same time as swimming lessons.  Vera was fascinated by swim team and asked many questions.  "How old do you have to be for swim team?  Why do they wear those hats on their heads?  What are those ropes and flags for?  I need goggles like those kids."  In fact, Vera insisted we stay after swimming lessons and watch swim team for a few minutes.  Although Vince was ready to go home when lessons were over, it was a good for Vera to see examples of how to swim correctly.

By the end of the first week, Vince had enough of swimming lessons.  He did fairly well chilling in his stroller, eating snacks, and watching the action.  But by the 4th day, he knew what was going on and it got harder and harder to entertain him for 45 minutes each morning.

I had a bag of snacks and toys each day.  Some days, he was fussing before the lessons even started.  Not good for his mom...

He fussed mostly because swimming lessons were during his normal nap time.  Most days, he fell asleep on the short car ride home.
Overall, swimming lessons was a positive experience for Vera.  I think we will do another round of lessons next summer and keep practicing the skills in the meantime.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Happy 4th!

To celebrate the 4th of July, we decided at the last-minute to do some camping at the Thobe's pond in Willowdell for the weekend.  The weather was fairly cooperative and the kids played hard.  They enjoyed sparklers, snaps, and glow sticks in the evenings.  During the day, we did a little swimming, cooking, and relaxing.  We were filthy dirty when we came home and totally exhausted, but we had a fun weekend.
Vera had a great time with the Thobe kids.  I think we came home with a whole sandbox of sand!
Vera and Vince went on their first paddleboat ride.  Vinners isn't in these pictures, but he went on Saturday.  He sat super still as he cruised along.

I did capture pictures of his first four-wheeler ride, though the picture isn't the greatest.  He loved it!

Busy floating.  Vera did so well floating in her life jacket.  She loved the gray raft and playing pretend with it.  

Vin had fun with this firetruck over the weekend.  He can be a challenge on camping trips--he can't walk, everything goes in his mouth, and he just wants to go!  So, we stay very busy keeping one eye on him and finding things to keep him out of trouble!

He seriously learns something new every single day!
He attempted to drink this water all weekend.  C'est la vie with a toddler...

Monday, July 13, 2015

Wild Man @ 12 Months

As Vince turned 12 months, he really changed so much!  This series of pictures shows his true personality right now.

A week or two before his birthday, I introduced Vitamin D milk to him.  We first started giving it to him in a bottle once per day as we used up the last of our formula.  He did not like the milk cold, but in his defense, he's never liked a cold bottle.  Gradually, we started giving him more and more milk in a sippy, and when the formula was gone, it didn't phase him.  For about a month, he took Vitamin D milk bottles before nap and bed only.  We went camping this weekend, and I forgot to pack a bottle, so it was a perfect opportunity to cut him off completely.  The bottles are all washed and ready to be packed away.  I'm so tired of washing bottles!

A few days before he turned 1, he decided to finally give table food a chance.  The first table food I really got him to eat well were grapes.  He loves them and shovels them in as fast as he can.  He also likes blueberries (but they're so messy!) One day for lunch he had bologna and green beans and was in heaven.  We've also given him hotdogs, pudding, rice, french fries, eggs, bread, cheese, mac and cheese, and jello.  He is still very picky, but is doing much better.  I quit buying jars of baby food (hallelujah!) but still occasionally buy the pouches of baby food for when he refuses to eat anything else.  He loves Cheerios, puffs, yogurt melts, and any other kind of snack.  He also really likes juice, which we try to limit.

Right before his birthday, he also started to crawl on all fours regularly.  He almost never army crawls anymore.  He pulls himself up on everything, and he's walking along all furniture.  I've even seen him walk from one piece of furniture to another by reaching.  He will walk if he holds your fingers; Papaw loves to do that with little ones, so he better get ready!  One day, I saw him crawling behind a truck with both hands on the toy.  I brought out one of our walk-behind toys, stood him behind it, and off he went walking!  I was shocked that he didn't fall on his face because he walked too fast.  He loves to walk behind toys, and squeals and screams when he crashes or can't get his toy to walk.  Also, he just figured out within the last week how to make his walker go forward.  He loves it outside now in the walker because he can go anywhere he wants.  (We love our cement driveway!!)  We've already had our ankles run over a few times by the speedy little man.

When it's time to lay down, we no longer rock.  I give him some milk, then tell him night night.  He usually lays his head on my shoulder and I pat his back.  After a few moments of settling him down, I put him in his bed and hand him his blanket.  He lays right down (almost always) and goes to sleep.  It's been awesome to finally get to that point!!

Vince can wave hi, bye and night.  He also understands when I say, "Where's Vera/Dad?"  He smiles and points to them.  When I ask him if he wants more to eat, he will shake his head yes.  He understands what no means, but like most toddlers, he doesn't obey.  He loves to play in the dishwasher, bathroom and kitchen cupboards.  He still enjoys looking out the window.  He has watched Adam mow the entire yard (1 hour!) from his stroller.  We just move him from one area to another, and he attentively watches.  He still is fascinated by the traffic and loud machinery on the road.  He doesn't like to sit and be held.  We call him Wild Man because he prefers to go, go go...climb, crawl, explore, and tear up!  He's a true boy!

He loves to play in Vera's room, especially with the Singing Machine.  We keep it on the tote because otherwise he knocks it over, climbs on it, and pushes buttons.  He can reach the power button, knows how to turn it on, and really annoys his sister by adjusting the volume while she's trying to listen to music or books. He stands along the sides and dances while the music plays.  He also dances in the car and in the shopping cart at stores.  Funny!
I have really enjoyed the last month at home watching him grow, change, and learn new things. I can't believe he's 1 year old already and meeting all of these milestones.  I'm amazed at how fast babies learn something new...and even more amazed at how fast they grow right before your eyes!

Happy 1st Birthday, Vince!

We just can't believe the little guy is a year old already!  The time has gone by so fast.  We were excited to celebrate his big day on his birthday, Sunday, June 28.  It was a rainy Friday and Saturday, but the weather on Sunday was perfect--sunny and warm with a breeze.

Good morning, birthday boy!

I decided on "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" as the theme.  I thought it was appropriate because for the last 3 months, Vince has army crawled around like a little caterpillar.  The little guy also likes to eat, and there aren't any baby foods he turns down.

Vera and I made the banners.  She thought it was fun to help decorate.
We also made a caterpillar showing pics of Mr. Vince at each of the last 12 months.

Just as I suspected, he did a great job of smashing into his cake; though, I don't think he really liked the icing sticking to his hands.  He had fun smashing and squishing, he tasted it, and I think he liked the sweet taste, too.  I intervened before the mess went to his hair and face.  There was so much icing on that cupcake!!

Let me have it!

The remnants of the smash cake...

Vince had his first tastes of cake and ice cream, and he loved it!

Dad helped the birthday boy open his gifts.  It didn't take long for his older cousins to step in and help too!

Vince received lots of nice gifts.  He loves playing with his new toys.  He also received some money to put in his bank account, a pair of tennis shoes, diapers, and clothes.  While his cousins ripped open gifts, Vinners stayed busy playing with the toys in the garage.  

It was fun to see all of our family together with lots of little ones.  We commented that Vince's birthday commences many first birthday parties to come within the next year: Nora, Scarlett, Cohen, and Blaire.  :)

Uncle Steve, Scarlett and Aunt Lindsey
Baby Cohen and Grandma
Mr. Blake, Vera Lou and Bailey Bean
Baby Blaire is growing big!
Nora Belle and Vinners
Uncle Brian brought the bounce house.  Vera and Bailey jumped their little hearts out!  Even grandma jumped for a little while!
It was a really fun day, and everyone was tired by evening.  The next morning, there was no time for sleeping in or breakfast.  There were new toys waiting.

Happy Birthday, Big Man!  We love you so much!!