So, it's the last evening of summer break, and here I am in the quiet house while everyone is in bed for the night. I feel like I say it every year, but the end of summer is always a little emotional. It's definitely a time of reflection for me. Recently, I was frazzled by all of the things I didn't get done this summer, but then I realized that I needed to focus on what did get done. We've had a wonderful summer. I love the time to reconnect with the kids, catch up on life, and have so many "ordinary days" that really are the best days.
In the month of June, I focused on deep cleaning the house. I'm happy to report that it did take some discipline, but every room in the house got a deep cleaning. It felt good to mark that off the list right off the bat, and I'm glad I decided to do it in June and not August. If I had put it off, it would've been just that--put off. As part of the deep cleaning, we moved Annie out of the crib and into a big bed with Vera. This was probably overdue, but she slept well in her bed, and frankly, it was working. But, truthfully, we needed the space for another dresser, and Annie was probably getting a little big for the crib. She willingly moved out of her bed into Vera's bed, but I must document that she's kind of a pest for Vera at bedtime. I've caught her pulling Vera's hair, peeling her eyes open to wake up, kicking, poking, crying, yacking and all-around irritating Vera. Annie's sneaky like that, and Vera likes her sleep. As the summer has gone by, everyone has adapted, and all-in-all, the transition has gone well.
When I cleaned the kitchen, I also put away the high chair and added the leaf to the table. It was getting a little crowded, and Annie didn't necessarily outgrow the high chair, it was just time for her to be able to sit at the table with us and get in and out on her own easily.
I must admit that these changes were a bit sad. It was a true reality that Annie's growing up. And while it's sad, it's also refreshing to see a twinge of independence around each corner. We're starting to see a reprieve from the years of essentially having two babies. Annie is completely potty trained now, and it's been pretty nice to not have to tote a diaper bag every where we go. :)
The last afternoon nap in her crib. She often slept with her head touching the sides of the crib. |
Of course in June there was Poultry Days.
A wild Poultry Days Saturday evening with the babysitter. |
Pedal tractor pull in the rain. |
But enough clearing and sunshine to ride some rides later. |
Pedal tractor pull friends: Claire, Vera, Karly & Blair |
A Poultry Days memory...Vera ran and rode rides with Karly (and her mom) on Sunday afternoon. The girls ran a circuit of 3 rides for at least an hour nonstop. Adam said it was hilarious to watch them on the Scrambler. It was a combo of excitement, fear and holding on for dear life. Vera got off of her last ride for the afternoon and vomited in the trash can of the midway. Eek! It was easy to convince her to leave at that point!
Also in June was Vince's birthday! What a great day it was! We played in the morning and made a few food creations for lunch. After lunch, Vince went to the farm to cut & bale hay with Papaw. We had asked him in weeks prior what he wanted for his birthday, and all he wanted to do was spend an entire day at the farm. Thankfully, his birthday wish came true, and he was so pumped! After the farm, the kids enjoyed an evening in the backyard swimming pool. (They had such a blast!) We ended the day with cake, ice cream, gifts and cards. It was a pretty great day to turn four! I love these years where simple things make the best birthdays. I also just love celebrating their special day with them. I was so excited for him because he was just thrilled to be four! He told me at bath time that evening that the best part about the entire day was going to the farm. Thanks, Papaw, for making his day!
The newest 4 year old as he woke up on his birthday! |
Sisters stink, apparently. |
They love the "crazy face" shots. |
Birthday lunch creations turned out pretty cute. |
I love these pictures. They perfectly captures how much fun they had. I had just as much fun watching them. |
Vince had some trouble committing to the kind of birthday cake he wanted. It went back and forth between trucks and tractors. I chose the latter, and our cake decorator, Brooke, did not disappoint. Vince was so excited. Thanks to Lindsey for sharing some of Scarlett's (err, Steve's?) gates and cows for the cake. |
This is how to not wear your hat. But since it's your birthday, we will let it slide, Buddy! |
This awesome crane came from Grammie & Papa for Vinner's birthday. There may or may not have been a fight about who got to try it first. |
In June, Vinners also went to the eye doc. He checked out a-ok. The doc just couldn't get over his handsome little polo shirt he wore. He was as cooperative and well-behaved as he could've been. These appointments are exhausting for me. It takes a lot of energy to keep them seated in the chairs, hold still for the pretesting, and not lose interest too early in the game. It takes a lot of prepping in the days before the appointment.
July was filled with camping, swimming, and really enjoying summer. I checked out a book from the library & spent all of my free time for 2 weeks reading the book. I had to make myself
not feel guilty about sitting outside in the evenings reading the book, and I'm so glad I did. I never make time to do things like that.
Swimming at Thobe's pond. |
Having ice cream with cousins. |
Camping with the Thobe's for the 4th. It was scorching hot! |
So Julie's dad took us for a boat ride! |
And they also brought the jet ski. |
Bertke camp out was super rainy. I didn't take many pictures--just this mess of Vince & chalk paint. |
He was a mess, but he had fun! |
After every camping trip, we cleaned the camper. I love this picture. Vince always wants to be just like his dad...and even dress like him! |
Coming-home-from-camping-day is always rough. Annie was (uncomfortably) asleep early that evening. |
But perhaps the best part of the entire summer were the ordinary days. Although I would've denied it at the time, staying home with these three kiddos and making our own memories was the best. Sometimes it has been hard for me to slow down and really be in the moment. Having small kids is busy and hard. But I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to slow down in the summertime and try to soak each one of them in.
We painted rocks on rainy days. |
Another dreary day, we made spider sandwiches for lunch. We also cut out shapes in cheese, which Vince thought was the coolest, and made rocket ships out of fruit. The kids loved it! |
Vince's spider. My favorite part are the smashed-in eyes. :) |
Vera's spider & rocket ship. |
Love you guys big... |
...even if you're a little nuts! |
Kinetic sand on the patio was a hit. Amazing what an opportunity for play & creativity will do! |
Vera kindled her love for reading. I loved watching her lay in bed reading a good book. |
Lunch on the tower of the swing set. |
A lovely text message from a passer-by. |
Picking on Papa. Grammie says he's an easy target for girls' shenanigans. :) |
Nee Nee, Annie Pie, Little Foot, Bubble Butt, Punkin Nee |
The surprise visit to the park was a great morning. They loved running and running and playing and playing.
This perfectly captures Vera's personality! |
I loved when they played dress-up, especially when they could convince Vin to dress up! haha
Vera really took an interest in playing babies this summer. She's also very emotional about being a kid and often seems jealous of grownups. Vera, stay young and innocent for as long as you can. Being a grown up might sound great, but being a kid is a whole lot more fun! |
I'm not exaggerating that Vince asked nearly every day of the summer, "Play tractors with me!" It's easy to play. You really just have to sit by him and watch. He's pretty particular about how to play tractors. He mostly wants you there to listen to the farming he's narrating. |
He also became really interested in playing outside & football inside! |
Annie learned to pedal a bicycle this summer...and got to start riding a bike with training wheels. She's so proud, and looks so grown-up riding it around! |
I enjoy looking out the window and watching them play so nicely. |
This might be the most difficult part about returning to school...walking in each morning at 6:15 and disturbing their peaceful sleep. Man, summer, we're going to miss you!!