Friday, April 12, 2019

Making Grandma May Proud

Back in January when it was arctic temperatures and we were off school for 3 days, I was running out of ideas to keep myself busy.  Housework, laundry and entertaining kids only lasts so long.  I decided to try some baking.  Shorty gave me a recipe from Steph for pie crust, so I decided to try my luck at pie-baking.  I did a little research on how to make cherry pie filling, and went to work.  I am proud to report that it turned out really, really well.  I ate most of it myself.  Eek!  Cherry pie isn't Adam's favorite, so he suggested apple.  It took me a while to find a recipe that I liked.  Dorie Baltes's cookbook didn't let me down.  Her apple pie recipe is delish.  I made 2 apple pies and gave one to the church's fish fry.  The second one didn't last long at home.  The joke was that you had to ask me permission to have a slice, because it took some time to make, and it was so, so good.  I must say that I'm pretty proud of myself.  Though it is quite time-consuming, it is worth it.  I think Great Grandma May would approve.