Thursday, June 13, 2019

It's Felt Like Winter Forever...

This spring has reminded me so much of the year Vera was born.  It was wet and dreary most of my maternity leave.  I remember feeling desperate to get outside and enjoy some sunshine, yard work, and really just a change of scenery.  This year has been the same, except we've been desperate to get the kids outside to play, ride bikes, and run off energy.  More than once, Adam and I said to each other, "It really needs to warm up!"  Adam even admitted that he was ready to start doing some yard work and projects outside.

We spent Presidents' Day weekend in Nashville with friends.  It was a nice get-away even though the weather was dreary and cold.  We had a great group of friends to booze with, and we had the full Broadway Street, Nashville experience.  We promised the kids a picture of a Honky Tonk because they're in love with the "Down to the Honky Tonk" song by Jake Owen.  They've blared the song on the radio over & over, and their minds were blown when they found out mom & dad went to a real-life honky tonk.  (That's also Vin & Annie's thing:  "real life."  When something really happens or for real, they say "real life."  Like, "Mom, I can real life do a somersault."  Or "We real life went to get ice cream while you were gone."  Hilarious.)

Adam got another year older & we celebrated with this cake left over from St. Patty's Day.  Poor guy doesn't even get a legit cake.  And, Vin was bucking about his supper and refused to get in the picture.  Just another day at our house.

We tried to beat the springtime blues by spending a day swimming at the Vandalia Rec Center with Aunt Mandy & her kids.  The rec center is really nice, and the kids had a blast.  Something for all ages to enjoy!

This was definitely the highlight.  It's a jogging area, basically a lazy river without inner tubes.  The current pushes you along.  It's a serious leg workout for adults.  If you're a kid in a life jacket, it's a thrill ride.  The kids seriously looked like they were drowning the entire time inside, but they insisted they were fine.  Mandy & I struggled to grab the kids and physically get ourselves out of the track when we were done.  The current was so strong.  But, we laughed and laughed at ourselves and the kids as we cruised along.
I'm sad to admit that I have been terrible about taking candid pictures within the last year.  I don't take the time to capture the little moments that are sometimes the ultimate best memories.  I need to get better at this.  Nonetheless, I still find tons and tons of pictures from some little hands that acquire my phone.  There are also countless pictures of walls, feet, carpet, bellies, and ceilings that have gobbled up tons of space on my phone. 

The weather on Mother's Day was absolutely terrible.  It was cold, wet and windy.  We planted these flowers for Grammie, visited with Grandma Otte and hung out around home.

Our first camping trip of the year was with the Millis's between Mother's Day & Memorial Day.  It started out at Ft. Loramie, but with flooding and rising waters, we ended up at St. Marys.  We pulled our camper out of our site around 6pm on Friday evening because the Park Ranger advised we relocate.  The water in front was rising rapidly.  By the time we left, the water was to our shins.  There would've been no chance of having a campfire outside that night, as everything was underwater.  These pictures are from in the afternoon.  The entire road, site and grass was underwater by the time we left.

With some fast-acting, Diane found us two dry sites at St. Marys.  It was a little nutty, but we arrived around 7 and were welcomed with this rainbow. 
 And the rest of the weekend was wonderful with no rain, lots of sunshine, and action-packed days of fishing, biking, Gaga ball, cooking and relaxing. 

Everyone played Gaga Ball, even the moms & dads.  It turned a little competitive.  :)
Vince & Zac spent most of Saturday riding down this hill.  They giggled and giggled at themselves each time and it was fun to watch them. 

Dare Devils

Diane & Brian brought their balance bike, and Vince picked it up and caught on very quickly.  Adam & I both agreed that after spending a weekend on the balance bike, he'd be riding a 2 wheel bike in no time.  Sure enough, a few days later, they took the training wheels off just as I was arriving home from work.  Adam went down the driveway & back with him twice, and he had it figured out.  He was so so happy!  Since then, he's been riding and riding like a wild man. 
Nothing like learning to bike in PJs.  It was pajama day at Patty's house. 

On Memorial Day weekend, we woke up one morning to our trampoline wrapped around our tree and our flagpole bent completely over.  The kids were a little devastated, but we were able to salvage most of it.  The poles for the net are completely ruined, but at least the frame, springs, and mat were salvageable.  The flagpole went in the garbage.  We are thankful that it didn't slam into someone's car, break anything major, or blow across the field for us to retrieve.