Tuesday, November 27, 2012

19.5 Month Stats

The post should read "18 Month Stats" but between our schedules and a busy doctor's office schedule, we finally went for her 18 month well-check today...at 19.5 months!  Vera was super-good at the doctor's office and she sat really still while the nurse and doctor examined her.  Everything checked out a-ok.  Here's the run-down of stats:
Weight:  24 lbs. 12 oz. (50%tile)
Height:  32" (30%tile)
Head circumfrence:  18.7" (50%tile)

She also received her last 2 shots today, the DTAP and Hep A.  She took them like a champ and had only a few tears.  Nothing a little juice and fruit snacks couldn't fix.  We're done with shots now until preschool!  Woohoo! :)

I'm adding a photo from about a week ago.  Blogs are boring without pics.

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