Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Time For Your Check-Up!

Vera has a Doc McStuffins doctor bag, and to say she loves it is an understatement.  Mom, Dad, babies, and Minnie have all received check-ups from Doctor Vera.  Anyone who stops by our house is liable to receive a check-up.  She checks our heart with her "heartbeat," tells us to say "aaaa" when she checks our teeth and throat.  When she checks our ears, she usually tells us that we have bugs in our ears, and then will use the "shot" to get the bugs out.  She also has a "temperature" and she'll tell us that it's "not to hot, not to cold...juuust right!"  The set also came with a blood pressure cuff and a bandage, which are also a hit.

Here's Vera giving baby a check-up one afternoon:

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