Today Vera is 2 and a half! Already!! How would I describe Vera at 2 and a half?
She's busy!! When she is awake, she's on the move--playing, talking, running, and acting crazy! I always wonder where she gets her energy. When she goes to bed at night, she is TIRED! She plays so hard during the day with her friends.
We went to Ansonia's greenhouse for their Fall Open House, and this bounce house was there. I think it might've been her first experience with it, and she couldn't get enough. |
She is learning! I love listening to her talk. Recently she's referred to McDonald's as McMcDonald's. Often she'll tell me that "everything is under control." When asked how someone looks, she'll say "adorable" or "fabulous." Yesterday she was giving me a pretend "haircut," and I asked her how I looked and she replied, "Not fabulous, mom!" Instead of saying "I am" she'll say "I maam." So funny. She uses words like "doed" instead of did, "waked" instead of "woke" and "goed" instead of went, and many others. Cracks me up when she says, "Mom, look what I doed!" :)
She's smart! So far, Vera can count to about 20. She can count to 10 in Spanish. She knows her alphabet and the sounds of all of the letters. For the most part, she can recognize all of the uppercase letters and her numbers to 10. She knows all of her colors and shapes, including hexagon, oval, octagon and pentagon. She knows several nursery rhymes and loves to sing songs. She knows the order of the days of the week. Though she can't write it, she knows how to spell her name. She also knows her birthday, where her mom and dad work, and where she lives. Today she was making patters with pieces of felt.
She is petite! At the doctor last week, she weighed 26 lbs. She wears a size 2T pants, and can barely keep them up. Thank goodness for the adjustable elastic waist. Smaller sized pants are too short, though they fit in the waist. Her shirts are mostly 3T because the 2T doesn't cover her belly. It's already tough to find clothes for the poor girl.
She doesn't forget anything! She can see something on TV, hear something once, or see someone do something and it's forever in her mind.
She pretends! We've started seeing her pretend with babies, coupons, coloring pictures and other random trinkets. She uses her imagination to tell stories and make-believe. I love watching her play, especially when she doesn't know I'm watching or listening.
It's hard to tell, but this is us playing "beauty shop." Vera had a whole pile of "pretties" to put in my hair. She had two combs and a brush. Surprisingly, nothing got stuck in my hair. |
She can pray! It's adorable to listen to her say her prayers. She knows the Before Meal Prayer, Angel of God, and Hail Mary. I just videoed her praying this morning. It makes my heart smile when I hear her little voice praying. She says things like "pray for our dinner" instead of "pray for us sinners."
She is sensitive! Vera gets her feelings hurt very easily. She doesn't like to be corrected, and she can turn the tears on and off very quickly.
She has an attitude! She is very good at getting what she wants, one way or another. She throws fits and cries so hard that she doesn't breathe and passes out. The first time or two, it scared us. Now we just let her go, and correct her when she calms down.
She requires a lot of sleep! Lately, she's been asking to go to bed in the evenings. We have to coax her out of bed most mornings. It takes her 15 minutes to wake up and physically get out of bed in the morning. She goes to bed most evenings no later than 8:30 and we get her up around 6:30. It's a struggle to get her to eat breakfast, and sometimes she cries to have her hair fixed. She still takes a nap everyday at Patty's house. On the weekends at home, she'll nap for 2-3 hours. Some days it's longer.
She is a TV nerd! She'd watch TV nonstop if we would allow it. Her favorite shows are Sofia the First, Doc McStuffins, Henry Hugglemonster, and of course Mickey Mouse. She also loves Toy Story. We have all 3 on our DVR. Lately she's shown an interest in Shrek.
She ignores! She's pretty good at wasting time, or dinking around, as Adam would call it. At bedtime, she can mess around in her bed for an hour if you'd let her. Vera has also perfected the ability to ignore us and what we say. I guess that's what kids do, especially to their parents, huh!?
She has her favorites! "Bubble juice," grandma, grammy, Bailey, Blake, Goldfish, puzzles, mac & cheese, chocolate milk, ice cream, coloring, stickers, Toy Story, and her stuffed animals.
When I put this in the cart, she asked what we should name him. When I asked for her suggestion, she said we should name him grandma! |
She's the sweetest baby girl! I can't believe she's two and a half. I saw a newborn baby today and forgot how small Vera used to be. I can still rock her to sleep once in a while. We lay down with Vera at bedtime most nights, and although some nights it is not my favorite thing to do, I always try to remind myself that before I'm ready, she won't want me to lay down with her. She won't want me to hold her or help her do things.
We love her to pieces, and she brings joy and challenges each day. I told her tonight, and many days, that she'll always be my baby girl.