Monday, October 21, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Mr. Blake!

Over the weekend, we celebrated Blake's first birthday!  He's such a big boy!  He weighs 2 pounds less than Vera, and he's rotten, funny, and so sweet.  I think that the next time I see him, he's going to be walking!!

As I thought about Blake's birthday on Friday, I remembered going to visit Mandy, Jeff and Blake in the hospital one year ago.  Adam was out of town, so we went with my parents and Vera was a maniac while we visited.  She bounced around from one thing to another, a typical 1 year-old busybody!  Not too much has changed there!

Blake had a happy birthday!  Here's just a few pictures from his party!  Happy birthday little guy!

The little guy was excited for new toys!

Vera offered her assistance when it came to gift-opening.

And she wasn't afraid to check them all out too.  I think the car below was her favorite. 

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