Sunday, January 26, 2014

A Tale of a Snow Castle

This past Tuesday, before the arctic blast of air arrived, Vera and Adam went outside to play in the snow.  It was finally "warm enough" for Vera to go out and get some fresh air.  I stayed inside to iron some clothes, but I had a great view from the back doors of their activity.

They decided to build a snow castle on the back patio area.  Here's the progress.  They aren't the greatest pictures; you can see the reflection of me and the kitchen in them.

By the time they were done, it was completely dark outside.  Good thing for the flood lights lighting the back yard! 
Later in the week, the wind picked up and more snow arrived.  The Snow Castle started to lean...
...and leeeaaaannnn...


...and lean some more...
...until... smashed into the side of the house!
Vera had fun watching the leaning progress.  She was so worried that it was going to fall over and break.  We will have fun watching what will happen next as the wind picks up and it gets colder tonight!

Second Trimester

I'm officially 18 weeks pregnant...almost half way there!  It doesn't seem like half way already.  Then again, on other days, it seems like I have such a long way to go!

Overall I've been feeling pretty well.  I have tough days & easier days.  My energy level has been decent, though I'm really tired when I sit down in the evenings.  I've been putting Vera to bed lately, and we try to lay down between 8 and 8:15.  Often I fall asleep with her, and wake up at 10:30 or 11.  By that time, my evening is gone, so I just get up and crawl into my own bed.  It's somewhat frustrating to have such short evenings without enjoying TV shows or relaxing after Vera's in bed.  But, I guess I need the rest, so I will take it while it's cold and dark outside! 

Most recently, I've started to experience the aches and pains of pregnancy.  I've noticed my lower back starting to hurt a bit.  Lately, the most noticeable aches are horrible headaches.  Sometimes Tylenol doesn't touch the pounding head.  The pain starts in the back of my neck and creeps up to my head.  It can get so bad that I become extremely sensitive to sound, which makes for long days with teenagers at school and a 2 year-old at home.  I went last Friday and got a massage, after the recommendation from my doctor.  It helped so much.  She told me that my head was extremely tight and she could certainly understand why I was having excruciating headaches.  I might have to pay her another visit (or two) because it felt so good!

At about 16 weeks, I started to feel the fluttering movement of the baby.  I was really surprised that I could feel it already.  Although, I guess I don't remember when I first felt it with Vera.  Pretty crazy feeling!  At my appointment last week, the baby's heartbeat was around 159 bpm.  I think that's pretty comparable to what Vera's heart rate was. 

Dr. Bachman, my beloved doctor, left the practice at the end of the year for a position at Cleveland Clinic.  So once again, I'm faced with a decision to make.  What are the chances this would happen to me with two pregnancies!?  I guess it isn't meant to be.  I met Dr. Train at my last appointment and she was nice enough.  I'm not totally sure which direction I'm going to go, but I need to select a provider really soon!

I'm still wearing my regular clothes at this point!  I'm trying to hold off on maternity clothes for as long as possible.  This past week, I've noticed that some of my shirts & sweaters are starting to look a little short.  I've been wearing maternity jeans for a while because my regular jeans were getting really uncomfortable.  Over Christmas Break, I washed up all of my maternity clothes that were packed away.  I forgot how much I dislike them.  Some of them are really stretched out and in sad shape.  I'm going to have to get some new things for this spring.  All of my maternity clothes from Vera are winter clothes.

I haven't had a lot of major cravings.  I went through a spell where cold meat sandwiches (ie Subway) sounded good for every meal.  Just like with my pregnancy with Vera, a bowl of cereal always sounds good in the mornings.  Lately, I've had a craving for a piece of cake with buttercream icing.  It's always so hard to keep my sweet tooth in-check.  I guess I can thank my dad and grandpa Otte for my sweet tooth!

Most recently, Adam and I have started making plans to get a room ready for baby!  We're going to put the baby in Vera's current room, which means Vera needs to move out...much against her will!  In order for that to happen, we need to move all of the furniture and stuff out of the spare room.  It's going to be quite the undertaking.  The spare bedroom (and it's closet) have somewhat served as a basement for us...a place to store all kinds of things!  We have two dressers in the spare room that need to move out.  One of them will have to go in our bedroom.  In order for it to fit, we need to take down the large TV shelf that was mounted on the wall when we bought the house.  When the shelf comes down, we're going to have to do some painting to make it look right.  We decided that while we're moving things around & painting, we're going to move everything out of our bedroom and repaint it.  The carpet is also the original carpet from when we moved in.  We're going to replace that and put trim around the closet and windows.  It's a needed project, but it's been put off because the furniture in our bedroom is big and heavy.  Once we get our room done, we can move Vera into the spare room and then put together a baby nursery again.  It could be a long project!  I much appreciate Adam's DIY projects because it keeps him busy and saves us a lot of money.  But, it gets exhausting living in the mess with furniture in disarray. 

I'll take a picture at 20 weeks and post it here.  Stay tuned...

Old Man Winter

Old Man Winter has definitely reared his head lately.  After 16 scheduled days off for Christmas and New Years, Vera and I had an extra 3 days at home because of snow, ice, and extreme cold.  With negative temperatures, strong winds, snow, and icy roads, we weren't able to get out much at all.  We started to get bored, but tried to find things to keep busy and stay warm! 

Before it got really cold and windy, Vera went out with her dad to try out her new snow shovel.  She had a blast shoveling snow, digging in the snow, and just being outside.  She did tell me while I was getting her dressed that it was hard to sit down with all of the clothes on.  :) 

We made home made cinnamon rolls one day to pass the time and warm the house.  Vera helped do the measuring.  It was a fun project, and the rolls turned out really well.  We put some icing on them, and they were delicious!

Day #3 of our extended Christmas Break wasn't as much fun.  Vera started coughing and spiked a high fever.  We paid a visit to Dr. Elshoff, and Vera checked out with a bad cold, though she was tested for Influenza A.  Thank goodness she didn't have that!  We rested throughout the day, and Vera started to perk up after a day. 

This sick little girl fell asleep watching TV after the doctor's appointment.  She rarely falls asleep watching TV, so we knew she was feeling yucky!
Going back to our routine at Patty's house wasn't as difficult as I had anticipated.  It was much-needed!  Vera's friends missed her, and she missed them!  We've been sad that her buddy Harper hasn't been back to Patty's.  Vera will have just as much fun playing with all of the boys at Patty's.  It will definitely make her tougher!

Since the spell of arctic air at the beginning of the year, we've experienced plenty of snow and even more cold.  We're trying not to go crazy staying inside all day. 

Vera's had to use her imagination and find fun things to play.  Her daddy brought a stopwatch home from work, and that provided a day or two of entertainment.
Blake came for a visit.  We had fun playing with him!
And of course, Vera's spent plenty of time in her mom & dad's bed watching movies.  She loves doing this!
It doesn't sound like we're going to have relief from Mother Nature anytime soon.  We'll just continue to keep warm, pass the time inside, and hope for an early spring!

I couldn't resist the $1.50 bouquets at Kroger.  It might be cold and snowy on the outside, but at least we have a glimpse of spring on the inside!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas Break

Our Christmas Break this year was a full two weeks off, a total of 16 days!  Vera and I have been talking about being on "vacation" right now.  She has really enjoyed staying home with me.  Often, when I ask her if she wants to go out and do something or stay home, she wants to stay home and play. 

Vera quickly caught on to "sleeping in" while on vacation.  She's been getting up around 9 lately.  We're going to be in trouble when it's time to go back to school.  On Sunday after our Christmas gathering at my parents' house, Vera slept in until 11:15.  After she woke, she sat with me in the chair and dozed off and on for another hour.  The holidays certainly wore her out!

If I could summarize this break with one word, it would be MOVIES!  We have watched so many movies together.  Many evenings, we would lay down in bed together and watch some holiday movie on TV.  To name just a few, we've watched Polar Express, Little Mermaid, Elf on the Shelf, and Chipmunk's Movie.  I have really enjoyed doing this with Vera, and Vera loves to lay in her mom & dad's bed. 

Before Christmas, Adam and I took Vera to her first movie in the theater.  We went to Piqua and saw "Frozen" in 3D.  Vera was so good.  She was really into the movie; it was a cute movie!  When the movie was over, and we were walking out, Vera asked when we could come back to see another movie. 

Right as Christmas break began, we went to see Santa one last time with Blake at North Star Community Center.  Blake was a little scared of Santa, but Vera told him exactly what she wanted, per her usual.  She nervously twirled her hair, all while talking with Santa.

I had an assistant in making food for our holiday parties this year:

On Christmas Eve, we gave the sponge curlers another go.  It didn't turn out that great.  Vera's hair is still just too thin.  It turns into a fuzz-head after about 20 minutes. 

Of course it wouldn't be Christmas break if we didn't spend time playing with all of our new toys and surprises.  It's been really fun to listen to Vera pretend, create, and play. 

Uncle Brian got Vera a singing machine for Christmas.  Singing and dancing has been brought to a whole new level at our house!

The trunk of dress-up clothes and jewelry has been a huge hit!

Vera says Happy New Year!