Sunday, January 26, 2014

A Tale of a Snow Castle

This past Tuesday, before the arctic blast of air arrived, Vera and Adam went outside to play in the snow.  It was finally "warm enough" for Vera to go out and get some fresh air.  I stayed inside to iron some clothes, but I had a great view from the back doors of their activity.

They decided to build a snow castle on the back patio area.  Here's the progress.  They aren't the greatest pictures; you can see the reflection of me and the kitchen in them.

By the time they were done, it was completely dark outside.  Good thing for the flood lights lighting the back yard! 
Later in the week, the wind picked up and more snow arrived.  The Snow Castle started to lean...
...and leeeaaaannnn...


...and lean some more...
...until... smashed into the side of the house!
Vera had fun watching the leaning progress.  She was so worried that it was going to fall over and break.  We will have fun watching what will happen next as the wind picks up and it gets colder tonight!

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