Thursday, January 8, 2015


Meet Nora.  She's one of Vera's favorite dolls.  We bought her at the Fall Festival just a few days after the real Nora was born.  (Hence the name)  Nora goes to church with us almost every week because she travels in a handy little carrying case with a tiny crocheted blanket. It's perfect for Vera to take to church because it isn't too big and Vera can carry it herself.

Tonight was Nora's baptism.  I was rocking Vin to sleep while listening to Vera play.  She didn't know I was listening, but the monologue went something like this:

Vera:  "You're going to be baf-tized today, Nora.
Nora:  Oh no!  Will it hurt?
Vera:  It's Holy Water.  Don't be scared.  It's just water.  We'll be right by you.

Then, as she knelt over the back of the couch, she extended Nora out and said, "Baf-tize of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

I was shocked to hear her say the actual "...Father, Son and Holy Spirit" part.  She is awfully observant because I've never explicitly told Vera what is said when someone is baptized.  Amazing what she picks up.

Later, when she was done with the baptism, I asked her what it means to be baptized and she said, "It's when you pour water over a baby's head.  I went to Blake's church so the real Nora could get baf-tized.  Vince was baf-tized at our church.  I stayed at Aunt Lindsey's house when Scarlett was baf-tized."  I think she says "baf-tized" because she associates it with "bath."  Makes sense, doesn't it?

I guess she does know a thing or two about what it means to "baf-tize" a baby.  Every one of Vera's aunts has had (or is having) a baby, so baptism is definitely something she's exposed to.  I had to write this down before I forgot about it.  It truly warmed my heart and made me smile to see her pretend in such a creative way.

Here is the newest Catholic in our family, Nora.

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