Sunday, March 8, 2015

Since 6 Months...

...a lot has happened.  I'm a little behind, but slowly getting caught up.  Mr. Vinners is now 8 months old and a very active little boy!  Like I said before, once they hit 6 months, they just aren't like babies anymore.

 At 7 months, Vince flaps, kicks, and jabbers all the time.  He chews on absolutely everything, and he really loves anything that is not a toy.  Like, say, paper when you're trying to take his picture.
He has some serious fuzz head, with some really long, original hairs at the crown.

But he is generally very happy!

Still loves bath time!
One evening after working at the new house, we relaxed in the chair and took some selfies while we waited for dad to come home!
He loves to eat!  There isn't any baby food he won't eat.  He also had puffs and yogurt puffs for the first time.  Vera, as usual, loves to help.
Happy Valentine's Day to my two sweeties!  This was on the morning of our move!

He loves to hang out in Vera's bed!

This was the day after we moved.  Vince fell asleep on Adam's lap after church.
At 8 months, things are even busier for the wild man.  Taking the picture is a big challenge...and yes, we do change the boy's clothes on a regular basis.  Just a coincidence that 7 & 8 month pics have the same outfit.  

He still has major fuzz head.
Doesn't he just look rotten?

We thought he made a pretty cute baby chef!

Especially when it fell down over his eyes.  Vera and I laughed and laughed.  He, in turn, laughed too.

Dad got the brainy idea to give Vince a bath in the sink (on nights when Vera takes a shower, in an effort to save time.)  Vince thought it was great fun.  I'm not sure it was a time savings, based on the water and bubble clean-up afterwards.  

Right as Vin turned 9 months, he learned to army crawl.  For the last month, Adam and I both agreed that it was time for him to learn something new, though we were ok with his immobility.  He was getting bored with sitting and playing; therefore, he was whiny and required a lot of attention.  In one week's time, he totally mastered the army crawl and is everywhere.  It only took him about a day to find the house plant and electric cords.  Today, he found his way to the play area downstairs.  It's really great.  When he's in there, he's happy as a clam and can't hurt anything.  He thinks he's big stuff!  Vera, on the other hand, has just a taste of what it's going to be like to have Vince in her stuff.

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