Monday, December 14, 2015

So Sleepy

5.5 weeks
Hair is falling out on the sides
Full belly = Sleepy girl
6 weeks
She woke up way too early one morning, so I snuggled her in bed with me.  She slept here for 2 more hours.
Car rides always put her to sleep.  Here she's sleeping off her first round of baby shots.  She handled them like a champ!
9.5 weeks
This girl only sleeps well if she's swaddled tight.  She loves warm cuddles.
9 weeks
This happens a lot.  Annie is always the last one we put to bed, and we fall asleep easily while rocking.  The house is quiet and we're exhausted!
almost 10 weeks
Maybe I only think to take pictures of her when she's asleep because things are quiet, calm and peaceful?  Sometimes I think pictures of them asleep truly show their looks because they're still and calm.  I also love taking pictures of my sleeping kids because there's just something about watching your child sleep...

Though it may not look like it from these sleepy pictures, little Annie has become so alert and smiley lately.  She loves to have someone talk to her and she gives big wide smiles quite generously.  She's also starting to give soft coos and gurgles, which are simply adorable.

At her 2 month well check, Annie weighed 10 lbs. 9 oz. which is the 24%tile.  She took a little dive off the curve, so we're working on beefing her weight up a little.  On the other hand, her length of 24.5" is in the 99%tile.  What a shock to have such a long baby!  I washed and put away her 0-3 month sleepers.  They're just not long enough anymore.  She fills out the 6 month sleepers quite well.

Around 9 weeks, she started to really kick and interact with her toys more.  She likes her playmat; sometimes can bat at a toy and then watch intently as they move.

We still don't know who she looks like.  I think she looks like Vera sometimes, but then other days I'm not so sure.  I don't think Annie got the blue eye trait like her mama and siblings.  It's looking like her eyes will be brownish.

She's such a good little baby.  She really only cries when she's hungry or tired.  I was telling my pediatrician how sometimes I feel bad for her because sometimes she gets lost in the shuffle of our crazy household.  The pediatrician said that we're just teaching her to be flexible.  haha  It makes me feel a little better that she does get peace and quiet at home with just me during the day.  In the evenings, it's seldom peaceful and quiet.  But, she can sleep through all kinds of noise.  She's used to being stuffed in her car seat every single day as we run Vera to school and Vince to Patty's.  A pacifier usually soothes her when she does start to fuss.

We are so thankful for a happy, healthy and super sweet little girl!

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