Annie Pie is 5 months old! She's grown and changed so much lately!! She's so generous with her smiles, and loves to be talked to. When we talk to her, she gets really stiff and excited, as if she's saying, "Please pick me up!!" She's cooing all of the time now, and it's so adorable. She even giggles outloud when we interact with her.
My mom thinks she looks like Adam. She has his hair cowlick and his dark eyes. She's also in the 98th percentile for length, so maybe she has some Bergman height in her. I think she has a smile like Blaire. |
One evening before bed, Adam was holding Annie and Vera was talking to her. Suddenly, she started some deep belly giggles. It was the first time we'd ever seen her laugh so hard, and it was so sweet, especially because all 3 of us were sitting right there to watch. :)
A few selfies. Annie doesn't look so impressed... |
Annie also loves to spit, slobber and chew on her fists. She wears a bib everyday, otherwise her outfits are completely soaked. If she can't find her fists, she'll chew on her blankets, bibs and sleeves. She even gnaws on her pacifier if it's in her mouth.
She's really started to interact with her toys a lot more. She reaches and grips the toys on her playmat. In the bouncy seat, she bats at them and can even get them to make noise. Annie Pie loves her sound aquarium in her bed, and sometimes lies in there for 20-30 minutes watching and listening contentedly.
1-26-16 Almost 4 months |
She follows us across the room, and is not fond of being left alone in a room. She holds her head up so well and she likes to sit up. Even when lying back in her bouncy seat or high chair, she's always lifting her head up to sit more straight. When she lies on her belly, she holds her head up nice and high and kicks her little legs. Then, after a little bit, she rolls right over to her back. She's starting to arch her back to her side, showing early stages of trying to roll from her back to belly. The older two are good with her on the floor. Vera has a hard time staying out of her face, but Mr. Vin usually leaves her alone. He's good about not stepping on her, but occasionally she does have a flying toy hit her. He's also been known to toss his shoes and sippy in her bed when she's in there. Eek! Poor girl is going to be tough with Wild Man Vince running around.
First time in Bumbo 2-12-16 4 months |
The TV catches her eye. This is a rare moment where "all is calm" even though the house is a toy cyclone. |
Her sleeping habits leave much to be desired. For most of her 3rd and 4th month, she slept all night regularly as long as she was wrapped tight in her swaddle. Then, suddenly she started waking up more and more often. I decided to not fall into the trap of feeding her, and honestly, I don't think she's waking because she's hungry. She has such a hard time putting herself back to sleep if she wakes up. In the middle of the night, as soon as someone picks her up and gives her the pacifier, she's right back to sleep. We're still swaddling her, but we've noticed that she gets so hot when she's all wrapped up. Slowly, we're trying to get her out of the swaddle and into something where she has her arms free. But, she doesn't sleep well when her arms are free; it's almost a guaranteed 3:30am wake up cry. She likes to have a blanket by her face when she's sleeping. Patty let us in on that little secret, and it's been very helpful.
Annie is a good eater. She takes 6-7 ounces in her bottles, and is starting to become a very nosy baby when nursing. When she was nearly 5 months, we started cereal. She had a hard time learning the "swallow" concept, but she's doing better each day. We decided to give her cereal around suppertime because it was too stressful to fit that in at bedtime. Between bathing the older 2, snacks, and the general chaos of our household, it was too crazy to try to give her cereal too. She likes her cereal, but she sure does make a big "messy mess" when eating it!
Before her first cereal 2-23-16 |
One of the first nice days outside in the stroller. |
Vera snapped this picture of us during Annie's 4 month well check and shots. Annie was a trooper! |
Annie Pie, you're growing and changing so fast! You sure are sweet, and so very content. As I often tell you, "We love you a whole baby bug bunch!" Stay sweet and snuggley forever!
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