Monday, July 11, 2016

Little Annie

Annie is growing so fast!

At the 6 month milestone, Annie preferred to sit up and watch the craziness of her household.  She started sleeping without her sleep sack (hooray!) and occasionally she can put herself to sleep in her bed.  Her daddy almost always puts her to sleep at night by giving her a bottle and rocking.  She loves her blankie tucked in by her face to go to sleep.

She was playing on the floor while I did the dishes.  Suddenly I didn't hear her anymore...
Sitting up in the Bumbo more and more.
When she turned 7 months, she learned to sit alone and really loves it!  She jabbers loudly as if she's talking to her wild siblings as they're running around the house.  She loves their activity and noise.  Most evenings she sits in her seat in our kitchen as we clean up dinner and do dishes.  I distinctly remember her sitting at the table watching Vera & Vince in the living room.  Suddenly, very loudly she started jabbering as if she was yelling at them.  It was really the first time I remember her talking to them, and it was so cute! 

She's slowly outgrowing the bouncy seat, playmat and swing.  Once she started sitting alone, she had very little interest in using them.  It's sad to be putting those baby things away...

Reach for the stars.

Pretty lady
This is how she usually sleeps. 

Starting to become more active on the floor.
Trying out the swing for the first time.  She smiles and smiles as we gently push her.
After I took these 8 month pictures and looked back at them, I couldn't believe how much she looks like her dad.  She has his eyes, and I think she smiles like Blaire.  She's still very long for her age, so maybe she has some of the Bergman height in her.  

Summertime means outside time.  Annie does well playing in her stroller, walker or on a blanket.
During her 8th month, she started cutting her first teeth.  She had a really runny nose, a little fussiness, and loss of appetite.  It lasted for about 2.5 weeks and right before she turned 9 months, one little bottom tooth popped through the skin.  She won't have her little gummy smile for much longer.  

She also twirls her wrists and waves her arms when she wants someone to pick her up.  She gets really excited, and will let out a sad cry if someone doesn't pick her up.  I feel bad that she spends a lot of time on the floor playing or else in her high chair.  She doesn't like to be left alone, and she's not always super fond of her exersaucer.  We're trying to encourage the walker and exersaucer because she won't stand or attempt to put any weight on her legs.  She just has jello legs and falls down when we try to stand her in our lap.  

Annie turned 9 months on the 4th of July!  She is changing a lot.  She shows little interest in playing with baby toys.  "Real toys" are much more interesting to her, so she's starting to spend time sitting in our playroom checking out the kitchen food, Paw Patrol pups, and farm.  She can also move from laying on her belly to sitting up, and she's pretty fast at it!  When I go in her room in the mornings, oftentimes she's sitting up smiling at me. I've also noticed her scooting herself backwards on her belly.  We've entered the everything-in-the-mouth phase, including small fuzzies, crumbs and snippets that only babies find on the floor.  We've had to dig a few small toys out of her mouth as well.  Ugh!

She giggles outloud, and loves her sister Vera.  She and Vera have a unique relationship.  Though Vera is in her face a lot, she does have a way of getting Annie to laugh at the silliest things.  Truly heartwarming to see a sister friendship blossom.  

Her hair is getting longer and thicker, but it still stands up at the crown.  Her cowlick is starting to relax a little bit.  I put a barrette in her hair recently, and the cowlick is really noticeable when the hair is pulled to the side.  Poor lil girl gets that from her daddy, too!

One of the best things about being home in the summer is really watching and noticing the small things about my children.  I can truly enjoy them and observe the small milestones, which has been especially true with the littlest one.  Annie Pie, your household may be crazy, but you have fit right in with us.  You were a special surprise from Jesus, and you've been nothing but a blessing!

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