Wednesday, August 10, 2016

That Vinners

He. Is. Rotten.  He is becoming more rotten by the day.  He's started squealing when he doesn't get what he wants.  He asks for a snack 957 times per day.  He hates to take a nap or go to bed at night.  And he'll smile at us with an ornery, rotten grin when he's up to something.  You just never know what he's going to come up with.

He got in the trail mix again.  He got the pantry door open, fashioned something to stand on, and pulled the bag down.  This time he shared with his little sister.  So nice of him!
He's done eating.  Couldn't he just announce it instead of pitching the plate to the floor?
He has a bad, bad case of Monkey See Monkey Do.  Here he is doing push ups just like Vera.
And these photos are immediately following Annie's 10 month photo shoot.  (See neighboring post to compare.)

It's a hard knock life.
I took off his diaper so he could play in the water.  Didn't phase him.
And at times he plays so nicely with Annie.  Both will play and interact with the same toys for quite a while.  But, there are moments when he becomes quite territorial and doesn't like her ability to get what he has.  He is especially possessive of his sippy cups.  Conveniently, Annie loves playing with them.  Cue the squealing and crying from both parties.

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