Monday, October 31, 2016

A Tale from the Bus Stop

Around mid-October, I did not have school on a Friday, but Vera did.  We discussed how we would get her to/from school, and decided to let it up to Vera.  She was excited about the opportunity to ride the bus, so we acted on making arrangements for her to do so.  We asked if she knew where to go or what to do when she rode the bus, and very confidently, she said she'd follow Jenna and Jace, two kids from her class that also ride bus 12.  I was excited for her to have this opportunity, and also because it'd save me from having to load up the younger 2 to run Vera to daycare or school.

It was a chilly fall morning.

We watched the sunrise while we waited for the bus.

I contacted the superintendent's office, and received confirmation back that she could ride the bus for the day.  We went out to the end of the driveway to wait for the bus with plenty of extra time.  We finally saw the bus coming down the road.  It made a stop a few houses before ours, and drove right past our house!!  I waved at the bus driver, and he saw me, tried to slow down, but then kept driving.  Vera was devastated.  She was almost crying because the bus forgot her.  

We went in the house, and I told her I'd drive her to school.  Honestly, I was nervous to take her to school because I had no idea what the procedure is...where do I drop her off?  Does she know where to go once I drop her off?  And, I was dressed with my teeth brushed and contacts in, but my hair was all over my head!  Eek!  

As I was buckling the younger two in the car, the bus came back very slowly and nearly stopped.  I went out to the edge of the driveway and watched.  It went down to the railroad tracks and started to turn around.  I yelled for Vera and she came running.  I also grabbed Vince, pajamas and all.  The bus stopped, and Vera excitedly hopped up the steps.  I talked with the bus driver briefly, and he shared that he had no information about the pick up.  I was slightly frustrated to hear this, since I followed the protocol for a bus change.  But, I also understand that mistakes and miscommunication happens, and it wasn't that big of a deal.  After she left, the thought crossed my mind on whether she'd make it back home later that afternoon.  

Vince was so confused about why the bus picked her up and where she went.  I explained that the bus took her to school and that she'd be back later.  He was content with those answers.  We enjoyed our day at home, and we watched Vera get off the bus later that day.  

Vera's version of this story is much more entertaining.  She recently told my mom that the bus "forgetted about her."  I know we will remember this incident for quite a while, and we laugh about it now.  

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