Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Happy Fall!

Trick or Treat Sunday had lousy weather, but the elements didn't slow down these little goblins.  

Vera had quite the time deciding what to be for Halloween.  First, she wanted to be Wonder Woman.  After looking at costumes, she decided on this bumblebee outfit.  (The wings, antennae, and scepter are what sold her!)  Vince was super excited to wear the monkey costume.  And Annie, if I can say so myself, was an awfully cute flamingo!

Vince always looks like the pouty one.  He really was excited to go out.  He did have some trouble understanding why he could only have ONE piece of candy per stop.
The kids opened their trick or treat surprises from Grammie and Papa a little later than normal.  But, here are the pictures of their cute treat bags. (Read: Pics of the girls only.  Vince doesn't have time for pictures.)

Adam and the kids worked on leaves for what seemed like forever!  He finally finished the last of them last weekend--and it's December!  The kids went out when they could and "helped."  Vince roamed around mostly, and Vera played pretend, of course.  They think it's fun to tromp through the leaves, walk in them as Adam blows the leaves at them, pick up sticks, and sit in the big piles.  Vince enjoyed helping rake them on the tarps and tugging the tarps to the field.  They even helped neighbor Jeff with his leaves.  He's such a dedicated helper!

Annie wasn't so sure about the leaves.  I can't say I blame her.  They're cold and itchy!
She spent most of the time in the house with mom, and she enjoyed watching out the door!

Needless to say, we had many leaf-filled shoes and pant legs.  I was a little frustrated with crunched leaves in the house (when they'd come in without dusting off), but the kids had fun and enjoyed the fresh air, so that's what counts!

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