Friday, November 24, 2017

Trick or Treat

Halloween sort of snuck up on me this year, perhaps because we were so busy.  We organized these costumes at the last minute.  I only had to buy a few accessories for Vera's costume.  Otherwise, everything was around the house, or a second-hand costume.  

Vinners was elated to be a puppy.  I prayed that the costume fit when I got them out, because I knew once he saw it, he would insist on wearing whether it fit or not.  Thankfully, it worked perfectly.  I hadn't planned for Annie to wear the dragon costume, but she was excited about it, and truthfully, it worked out really well.  Trick or Treat was really chilly this year, so the warm fleece with a hood was perfect!

We went to my parents' on Friday evening, and it was crazy as usual.  The kids actually played quite nicely in the basement that evening.  Though everyone had their moment, all in all, the kids were very good!

So many wiggly spooks!

Papaw handed out the treats...and then promptly encouraged sugar and rough-housing.

We made only a few stops at Versailles' trick or treat; it was really chilly! Later, we made a visit to Grammie and Papa's.  Grammie wasn't feeling well, so we had a quiet visit, and didn't manage to take any pictures.  Mindy's girls were also there, and had cute costumes as usual.  I got to meet sweet baby Brinley for the first time, and she was as sweet (and tiny!) as ever!  The kids made a haul-in of candy, and Vera enjoyed a Halloween parade and celebration at school.  Fun times all around!

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