Friday, February 23, 2018

Grandma Otte is 60 & Papa is 65!

To celebrate Mike's birthday at the end of January, everyone went to Marian's Piazza on a Sunday afternoon.  It was a fun afternoon together.  The kids enjoyed running around the restaurant and eating cake.  Thanks to Mindy for taking and sharing these pictures!

Mom turned 60!  Unfortunately, we weren't able to get everyone together to celebrate.  Between illnesses and busy schedules, it was hard to pull off.  Vera, Vince and I made a short visit to drop off her birthday gift.  Annie had to stay home because she was sick.

The following week, we made a girls trip to see The Sound of Music at the Schuster Center.  The weather was dreary and wet, but it was a fun afternoon out.  I came home from the performance and watched The Sound of Music on DVD.  Consequently, I had the songs stuck in my head for 2 days. 

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