Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Everyday Funnies!

I've written down some funny conversations and comments I've had over the last months with the kids.  I need to publish them here for memory's sake.  

We were having a conversation about why we don't have to work when we get really, really old.  We started talking about how it'd be awfully hard for great grandma Otte to go to work everyday.  
Vince:  "Yeah, great grandma has that scooter to help her walk."
Vera:  "Yeah, and she wears that helium in her nose to help her breathe."


Vince:  "Mom, I want some orange juice.  But not that kind.  It has fingernails in it."
My kids don't like juice with pulp.


Our power flashed through the night, so when we woke in the morning the microwave and stove clocks were flashing.  I found Vince standing on the table screaming, "Vera, look!  Look at the clocks!  Bad guys did it."


On the note of bad guys, Vince often gets scared at nighttime.  He's been frantic that the shadows on his ceiling (created by the blades of the ceiling fan) are bad guys.  I've had to go in his room at night, calm him, and show him why the shadows are there.  "Mom!  There's a bad guy!  And there's another one right there!"  He's also afraid of the Big Bad Wolf blowing our house down at night.  Thank goodness our house is made of brick because the Wolf cannot huff and puff that down.  


Vince:  "Mom did you know that Luke has a long drive to Patty's house because he lives on Long Road?"


Me:  "Vince, get your shoes on.  We're going to the bank in a few minutes."
Vince:  "No we can't go.  Parker lives on that road."  (Parker lives on Banks Road)


Annie came home from Patty's house and reported that Patty has fish in the bedroom where she naps.  And she said she kisses the fish when she takes a nap.  Patty has no aquarium or pictures of fish in this room.  None of us understood what Annie meant.  Patty had to peek in the bedroom to watch Annie when she laid down to see what her "fish story" was about.  The bed spread has small leaves on it, which in Annie's mind, must look a lot like fish.


Vince:  "Mom, can we get the ball pit out?"
Me:  "I don't know.  Ask dad what he thinks."
Vince goes to Adam, who pretends to be asleep.  "Dad, we get the ball pit out?"  Adam does not respond.
Vince promptly turns to me and says, "He said yes."

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