Wednesday, July 25, 2018

More Funnies!

I literally write these things down on a paper on my fridge or put them in my phone so I don't forget. 

Shortly after we got the camper, someone asked Annie where she will sleep in the new camper.  Her response, "In my bump."

Our first camping trip of the season was at Ft. Loramie right across from the playground.  We called the kids over to eat, and as Annie was sitting down with her plate she asked Adam, "Dad, when we done eating we go back to the playtown?"  Ever since, the kids in our family have referred to a playground as a playtown.  "Mom we play at the playtown!"  "Whoa, this campgrounds has a huge playtown!" 

Vince has been obsessed with figuring out where water goes after it goes down the drain.  I've tried to explain to him that it goes in a big tank and then to the creek.  A few days later, he asked again.  Then he said, "Oh yeah, it goes to a propane tank."  Yeah, sort of.

Vera and Vince were having a conversation about getting older.  (It was close to Vince's birthday.)  Vince went on a tangent describing how you know you're old.  It went something like this:
"When you get old you wear shoes that tie up.  I not have shoes that tie up.  My shoes buckle up.  Vera, you have shoes that tie up.  That make you old.  Mom and dad old because they have shoes that tie up.  Me and Annie have none ties so we not old.  Our shoes have buckles."

We were getting ready to go out to eat with my parents one evening.  Vince was adamant about going to McDonald's.  I told him we were going to Applebees.  He quickly asked, "Them have cheeseburgers there?"  When I told him yes, he was satisfied.  An hour or two later, as we were driving to Applebees, my dad asked Vince where we were going.  His response, "Applepie." 

A few days later, I had the littlest two in Greenville for an appointment.  It was lunchtime, and the kids were starving so we went to Arby's.  At suppertime that evening, Adam asked Vince where he ate lunch, and he said "Barbies!" 

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