Saturday, January 19, 2019

More Funnies!

I wrote these down again so I wouldn't forget.  Both of these incidents happened on the same evening.

I made some Cherry Delight, gave a small dish to Mike and Rosie, and kept the remainder for us.  Adam and I were eating some for dessert one evening at dinner, and Adam asked Annie if she wanted some.  She adamantly said, "No dad!  That stuff freaks me out!"  We laughed.  We had some the next night as well.  We offered some to her again, and she said, "No, no!  I told you it freaks me out!" as she made the most disgusted face.  Vera laughed and laughed.  Suit yourself, Annie.  More for us.  haha 
Sidebar:  Why does it freak you out?  And maybe a better question...where did you hear that word?

Vince has always owned two pairs of tennis shoes--one for outings and Patty's house, and the other pair for wearing outside at home and camping.  His good shoes somehow ended up with mud on them, I didn't have time to clean them in the morning, and felt bad sending him to Patty's with the muddy shoes.  So, I got out a pair of cheap tennis shoes I bought for him at Christmastime.  I had them tucked away in my closet, so Vince was pretty excited to wear new shoes to Patty's.  We asked him one evening, as we were cleaning up dinner, how he liked his new shoes.  He shared that he likes them.  Then he said, "Parker says them sharp.  Like they can cut people.  Why he say that?"  It took me a while to figure out what he was saying because he was saying "darf" for the word "sharp."  Once we figured it out, it was priceless.  Vera, Adam and I got a good chuckle out of his innocent humor. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Happy New Year!

Happy 2019!  We rang in the new year this year at a hotel in Troy with the Millis and Thobe families.  We had plenty of kids, swimming, games, drinks and fun to go around. 

The kids must've swam for 6 hours...their chlorine-induced coughs and blood-shot eyes were proof.

We ate and played games in the lobby.  I brought the game Left Right Center, and we taught the kids a lesson or two in gambling.  The winners went home with about $90...enough to pay for the hotel room.  Ha!

Closer to midnight, we donned our new years hats and horns.  It's pretty amazing we didn't get kicked out of the lobby!

What a fun evening!  Happy New Year!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The Christmas Season

On Christmas Eve, I wanted to take the kids to Carillon Park to see the lights and holiday events there.  I found out the park was closed that evening, and felt a little bummed about missing that event.  But, after a little thought, I realized we were able to fit in so many fun things to fill us with Christmas spirit this season.  After all, we need to leave something for next year.  :)

We had breakfast with Santa in early November.  Each of the kids even had a hug for Santa.  I'm so glad I captured their hugs!

We bundled up and went to the Horse Parade in Greenville right before Thanksgiving.  Mandy, Nora, grandma, Vera & I went to a Christmas show in Van Wert right after Thanksgiving.  It was a lovely show with awesome singing and performing.  

 Perhaps the highlight of the season was a trip to The Polar Express in Connorsville, Indiana.  Santa dropped off 5 tickets and a note on our Christmas tree telling us to be ready for the train ride the following evening.  The kids were super excited to travel to the North Pole to visit Santa.

Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot chocolate!

The conductor punched the kids' initials in their tickets.

Santa!  He came aboard, talked to each child, and gave them the first gift of Christmas, a Polar Express bell, just like the movie.  The kids were very excited that they were able to hear the bell.

Vinners was pretty tired toward the end, and we were starting to feel crowded after sitting and riding for 2 hours.  It was a long drive home, and the kids were sound asleep soon after we started driving.  Fun memories!

I'm Back!

I have been a major slacker with this blog.  One of my goals for the new year is to do a better job of blogging.  I've been inspired by a book that I've been reading since about October.  (I've finally found some time to read over Christmas break!)

In the book, among many other motivating things, it talks about setting goals and gives advice on how to see them through.  It will be impossible for me to catch up completely, so I'll do a recap of what we've been up to since summer.

Of course we went back to school.  Our school year is going so quickly!

Annie turned 4 in October.  I always feel bad because it seems like she gets jipped on her birthday.  I always have parent-teacher conferences during the week of her birthday.  This year, we were packing for a camping trip with friends on her birthday.  But, we still found time to celebrate her day and make it special.

I ordered a birthday cake for her, and the order was lost.  I learned of this at 3:30 that afternoon, so I did what every mom would do.  I ran to the local grocery store and bought one out of the case.  I never told the kids, and they never knew otherwise.  Annie loved her princess cake...and the princesses on the cake served as bath time entertainment for a good month.

Money inside birthday cards always generates excitement!

Captured the excitement of new shoes!

I don't know why I love this picture so much.  Her little pig tails, dark brown eyes, and little smile?  She is cute, if I do say so myself.

When we came back from camping, there was a gift in our mailbox from Steve, Lindsey & Scarlett!

Our camping trip was wet, but unseasonably warm.  The temperature was in the 90s on Saturday afternoon.  We lucked out when the storm came through, and hunkered down in the cabins that Gwen, Cheryl and Kelly rented.  (I wouldn't have wanted to be in our camper when the storm came through.  It was super windy!)

The kids did their share of pumpkin painting this year.  I think we painted pumpkins on 3 different occasions!  So fun!

Huggy Bear put in a jumping pillow this year.  The moms and kids both took their turns jumping.

Old friends are the best.  What a fun weekend!

Just like last year, we went to the pumpkin patch as part of Annie's celebration.  The kids remembered Lincoln Ridge from last year, and they were excited to check it out again!  Adam and I agreed as we were driving home that next year we'll have to check out something new.

For us, the month of October & November were less than great.  We had a six week stretch of bad luck.  We had hoped for a 10 year anniversary get-away in mid October to Florida to visit Elissa.  It's a good thing we didn't go.  Elissa's son was in the hospital while she was 9 months pregnant.  There was a hurricane in northern Florida which would've wrecked our travels a bit. 
Here, Adam spent 3 days in the hospital with an infection in his intestines.  Instead of packing for a trip, I spent the week juggling schedules, visiting him in the hospital, trying to be a single parent, and still make it to work on time.  Exhausting!  Several weeks later, the main power that feeds our house (including the transformer) was damaged in a freak of nature.  We spent a Friday evening in the dark, dealing with scared kiddos, and working with the power company to temporarily restore our power.  Ultimately, we had to replace the main electric to the house.  As a result of the power surge, our hot water heater was fried.  No pun intended.  We were without hot water for a day or two until Adam could install a new one.  A few days later, our water softener went out, which also required replacement by my handy husband.  Meanwhile, our backyard was completely dug up (by my relentless husband) because of a septic failing to properly drain.  After about 3 weeks of on-and-off digging by hand, he decided he was in over his head and needed to borrow a backhoe to expedite the troubleshooting and repair.  After a day or two off work, plenty of ruined shoes and clothes, and working in the rain and dark, I am happy to report he was successful in fixing it.  (We caught the attention of our neighbors, for sure!)  In between all of this, Adam had another flare-up of his infection and the water line to our refrigerator was leaking for who-knows-how-long.  In November, the lift pump in our basement went out.  One morning before school, the toilet overflowed when Vera flushed it.  Adam spent that afternoon replacing the pump so we could do laundry (and use any water in the basement) again.  (Insert dollar signs and grumpy wife emoji.  Ha!)  Adulthood and home ownership are awesome!  Through all of this, I am super thankful for a handy (albeit relentless) husband who has the skills and time to repair all of this.  

 About the same time we had no hot water, it was Halloween.  We celebrated with a Halloween party at Grandma & Papaw's house on a Saturday evening.  

This was their self-created supper--Mummies!  Can you guess which one is Vince's?  Yep, the one in the lower right corner.  The one that has no sign of hot dog anywhere!

Gang's all here!

Typical craziness.

Christmas PJs for all from grandma & papaw.

Vera also had her 2nd grade musical in October.  She was an adorable dalmatian, which turned out to also be her Halloween costume.  

Since I have my own nice camera now, I decided to try to take some pictures for holiday cards and to update frames.  Plus, after the way October went, there was no time to think about scheduling a photo session or coordinating some outfits for a Christmas card.  So, I took the kids out to Bear's Mill on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.  I didn't fix my hair, wore leggings, earmuffs, and the warmest coat I own.  The Mill was opening as we arrived, and the woman working was super-friendly and generous.  They welcomed us to take photos and encouraged us to walk along the water to check things out.  So, we snapped some pictures.  (It was cold!)  And then we went on a little walk.  Despite the mud, it turned out to be the best impromptu outing.  The sun even came out for a bit!  We saw some ducks, walked along the river to the new covered bridge, and were surprised to come upon the falls.  The kids were so intrigued, and had so much fun observing.  Vince asked 174 questions about the falls, the mill, and how everything works.  We ended up going inside to have a look around and warm up.  It's a beautiful, quaint little gift shop.  I was a little embarrassed of my hairdo, but took the time to look around nonetheless.  The kids left with coloring books that told the story of the mill, and they couldn't wait to tell their dad about their adventures.  Oh, and we managed to get some cute pictures for frames and Christmas cards.  Win!