Saturday, January 19, 2019

More Funnies!

I wrote these down again so I wouldn't forget.  Both of these incidents happened on the same evening.

I made some Cherry Delight, gave a small dish to Mike and Rosie, and kept the remainder for us.  Adam and I were eating some for dessert one evening at dinner, and Adam asked Annie if she wanted some.  She adamantly said, "No dad!  That stuff freaks me out!"  We laughed.  We had some the next night as well.  We offered some to her again, and she said, "No, no!  I told you it freaks me out!" as she made the most disgusted face.  Vera laughed and laughed.  Suit yourself, Annie.  More for us.  haha 
Sidebar:  Why does it freak you out?  And maybe a better question...where did you hear that word?

Vince has always owned two pairs of tennis shoes--one for outings and Patty's house, and the other pair for wearing outside at home and camping.  His good shoes somehow ended up with mud on them, I didn't have time to clean them in the morning, and felt bad sending him to Patty's with the muddy shoes.  So, I got out a pair of cheap tennis shoes I bought for him at Christmastime.  I had them tucked away in my closet, so Vince was pretty excited to wear new shoes to Patty's.  We asked him one evening, as we were cleaning up dinner, how he liked his new shoes.  He shared that he likes them.  Then he said, "Parker says them sharp.  Like they can cut people.  Why he say that?"  It took me a while to figure out what he was saying because he was saying "darf" for the word "sharp."  Once we figured it out, it was priceless.  Vera, Adam and I got a good chuckle out of his innocent humor. 

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