Wednesday, July 25, 2012

First Coloring Book

We went to Target last week and I bought Vera the ColorWonder coloring book and markers.  I thought it might be something to do on rainy days or afternoons when it's too hot to play outside.  Plus, it could be handy for when I need to make dinner, fold laundry, take a shower, etc.  And, it never hurt to start working on motor skills. 

She sat and "colored" the other night while Adam hung trim and molding in our "new room."  We needed something for her to do so she'd be out his way.  All in all, it wasn't much of a success.  She didn't really show much interest, but I'm sure with time and practice that will change.

We let her choose the first color.  She picked brown.

Finished product  Can you tell where mom and dad helped?  :)

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