Friday, July 13, 2012

Here We Go!

I have been thinking about starting a blog for a long while.  It's probably something I should've done a long while ago.  I have some reservation and anxiety in starting this endeavor.  I'm worried that I will start out with really great intentions, and then as I go back to school and life gets busy, I will forget to post.  But, in any case, I have good intentions.  I think this will be a great way to archive and share Vera's life and milestones, so someday she can look back and (hopefully) treasure documented events, photographs, funny stories, and her mother's reflections.  My mom did an awesome job of keeping up a photo album of my life from birth through graduation.  I really treasure that album of old pictures.  Because of that, I have also started an album for Vera.  I also have done a pretty good job of keeping up her baby book.  Unfortunately, her baby book only goes through the first 12 months, and there's definately plenty to document after 12 months.  So I think this blog is going to be a great way to remember the details as Vera grows and our family changes.  Here we go...

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