Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Cookies at Grandma's House

Last Friday we joined Aunt Mandy, Blake, Aunt Lindsey, Uncle Steve, Aunt Karen, Grandma and Grandpa at Grandma's house to make Christmas cookies.  Vera spent a lot of time running around and cooking in the pretend kitchen.  She also helped decorate a cookie or two.  (Read: she mostly ate icing, pretzels and M&Ms that grandma and grandpa gave her.  She had fun!

Grandma gave Vera a pen to play with (mistake!) while she sat in the high chair.  When no one was paying attention, she scribbled on the tray with the pen.  Oops!  Sorry grandma!

At the end of the night, Mandy, Karen, grandma and I were sitting around talking and trying to get Blake to sleep.  Grandpa and Vera were in the front living room playing.  After a little while, we didn't hear grandpa's voice anymore, but we could hear Vera chatting away.  This is what we found:

She kept saying "Here go Papaw." and she'd bring him 2 dishes at a time, even if he didn't respond.

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