Sunday, December 9, 2012

Washable & Nontoxic!

Vera loves to color.  She asks all the time to get the markers out, so we spend about 3-4 nights per week coloring.  She loves the Color Wonder markers, and they're awesome because they don't write on anything except the Color Wonder paper. 

St. Nick brought Vera a set of 8 crayons four days ago. 

Here's the latest:

Can you guess which crayon she chewed on, spit out and smeared everywhere?  I can't be upset though.  It's partly my own fault.  I was trying to sweep and clean carpets.  (Sidenote:  Vera has been randomly throwing up this week...three times to be exact.  She shows no signs of being sick except that she doesn't eat and her behavior has been exceptionally bad.  All three vomit episodes have been on the carpet.  Awesome.  I've scrubbed and cleaned, and steam cleaned, and scrubbed, and Fabreezed.  Our house has smelled like vomit for about 3 days.  Everytime you sit on the couch you smell it.  So we bought some carpet deodorizer powder that you sprinkle in the carpet and then vacuum up.)  So that's what I was doing while Vera was coloring.  Adam was gone watching the Browns game.  Vera was in her high chair coloring.  I was sweeping carpets.  You know, sweep a room, check on Vera.  Sweep a few minutes, check on Vera.  One of the times I checked in on her, I found red, chewed crayon juice dripping from her chin and all over her hands.  She kept saying, "I all messy!"  There was smeared crayon in her hair, in her ear and all over her face.  I almost started laughing, but I took the crayons away and calmly told her that we don't eat crayons.  Then I grabbed the camera and took a few pics.  I also sent some pictures to her dad watching the game. 

Both of these shirts are from the chewed crayon incident.

This is the under shirt.  There was more crayon on this than the actual shirt.  When I changed her clothes, several pieces of chewed crayon fell out. 
Crayons are nontoxic and these are washable.  I know this because I washed crayon out of a different white shirt two days ago.  So in four days, I've washed crayons out of 3 shirts and we're down 3 crayons out of 8.  I think we'll stick to Color Wonder.

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