Monday, February 18, 2013

Lent 2013

I'll be honest.  Lent is not my favorite time of year.  But, like a good little Catholic family, we abstain from meat on Fridays, make sacrifices, and do extra things along the way.   This year, I decided to give up coffee.  I wouldn't say that I have to have coffee every morning.  It's more like something I enjoy.  I only have one cup, and it's just enough to get me going...especially during the cold winter months.  Sound familiar, mom?  So, no more coffee.  I washed up my coffee cups and put them away until the end of March. 

Adam and I also decided to give up "being on our phones and/or ipad" after 7pm.  We have become really bad at spending most of the evening (especially after Vera goes to bed) online doing whatever it is that we do.  No worries though, if you text us, we can text back.  Initiating texts is not allowed.  And, if you're working on things related to your job, that's also legit.  Pretty technical rules, huh?!  This was Adam's idea.  But, I agree it's a good one.

So, since we can't be on our phones in the evening, I decided to start reading a book.  It's actually a book that was handed out at Christmas mass at church.  I thought it'd be good for me to read this during Lent.  And, actually it's been really good.  It may look familiar to some of you...

Something that was brought up in the book is also something that's really been bothering me for the last few weeks.  I was telling Adam and some of my coworkers that I feel like my family and I are becoming a minority.  I don't mean to sound like I am superior to everyone else.  It just seems like the values, belief systems, cultural upbringing, and family dynamic that my family and I subscribe to is becoming the minority.  And, honestly, I'm not ok with it.  I see so much at my job that is "wrong" but our society is becoming immune to the dysfunction, lack of parenting, freeloading...and slowly, these things are becoming accepted.  So, here's what the book says:

The author suggests that there are 3 major philosophies that our modern culture has constructed.  They are individualism, hedonism, and minimalism. 

Individualism is the "What's in it for me?"  or the all-consuming concern only for self. 
Hedonism is the "If it feels good, do it!" idea, or that pleasure is the ultimate goal in life.
Minimalism is "What's the least I can do?" or exerting minimal effort to receive maximum reward.

Now, I'm not trying to be a Bible-beater or great philosopher.  In fact, I hated the one philosophy class I took in college.  But, according to the book, "Any community that adopts these philosophies, whether that community is as small as a family or as large as a nation, does so at its own peril.  A philosophy is a way of life.  Individualism, hedonism and minimalism will destroy every individual and community that practices them.  They are ultimately self-destructive philosophies that destroy body, heart, mind and soul" (36).

Very interesting, don't you think?  I don't know about you, but I feel like I see these attitudes all around me.  I'm even guilty myself at times.  I could go on and on about this.  I'll spare you of that.  For some reason, this chapter really jumped out at me and explained a few things about why I feel like I'm becoming the minority.  I will certainly take this opportunity to admit that I am not a perfect person, nor is my family.  But, this definitely gave me something to think about.

I'm interested to read the rest of the book.  No guarantees though.  Reading is not my favorite pass time.  I'm only on page 49.  I'll let you know if there's anything else I should share.  :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Vera & Blake

Vera and Blake were at grandma's house together this past weekend and grandma wanted some updated pictures of the two together.  Surprisingly, the two of them sat together without any tears and Blake escaped without getting beat up by Vera.  They even smiled!  It was actually fun to take their picture! 

Vera is 22 months and Blake is almost 4 months in the pictures.  Blake is changing like crazy and really starting to be a lot of fun.  He smiles and giggles.  He will coo and squeal when he wants to tell you a story.  He loves to watch TV because he thinks the people on TV are talking to him.  haha  He's becoming a little cue ball too, with almost no hair.  We're wondering if he's going to look like his daddy.  Right now I think he looks like his mom!  Either way, we love him so much!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Happy 60th Papa!

Rosie planned a weekend at the Fort Rapids Indoor Waterpark for Mike's 60th birthday!  We've been planning this for a month or two, but Mikey had no idea.  Adam, Vera and I picked them up on Saturday morning, and we took off.  We kept the secret the whole way to Columbus, and when we arrived, Mikey was even more surprised to see the rest of the family there!

Vera was so excited on Friday night while we were packing that she had to put her swimming suit on and run around the house.

So excited to arrive at the water park.  Vera and Bailey ran wild in the lobby while we checked in.

The water park was really fun.  Vera enjoyed the baby area and all of the slides.  Her favorite part, as the pictures illustrate, was probably the water shooting from the floor and sides of the pool.  She wasn't afraid of the water at all.  The park was very warm and humid, so it didn't seem cold when we got out.  The water was also warm but extremely chlorinated!  Adam and I enjoyed the slides and the lazy river.

After a full afternoon of swimming, we headed back to our room.  We stayed in a 12 person villa.  It was just the right size for everyone.  We ate some pizza and snacks and then sang happy birthday and ate some yummy cake. 

On Sunday, we spent a few more hours at the water park.  Unfortunately Vera was super-congested and not feeling really well.  Neither Adam, Vera nor I got more than 3 hours of sleep because Vera was awake coughing and crying through the night.  By Sunday morning, I could tell she had a fever, but periodically she'd perk up and want to play.  We took her to the water park for about an hour, and then decided it wasn't worth the fight and we headed for home.  All in all, it was a really fun weekend and a big surprise for Mikey!

Vera Lou feeling yucky on Sunday.  I ended up staying home with her on Monday to take her to the doctor.  She had a fever of 103, a sinus infection, and 2 nearly-infected ears.  Poor little tater and a bummer to feel lousy over a fun weekend!