Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Vera & Blake

Vera and Blake were at grandma's house together this past weekend and grandma wanted some updated pictures of the two together.  Surprisingly, the two of them sat together without any tears and Blake escaped without getting beat up by Vera.  They even smiled!  It was actually fun to take their picture! 

Vera is 22 months and Blake is almost 4 months in the pictures.  Blake is changing like crazy and really starting to be a lot of fun.  He smiles and giggles.  He will coo and squeal when he wants to tell you a story.  He loves to watch TV because he thinks the people on TV are talking to him.  haha  He's becoming a little cue ball too, with almost no hair.  We're wondering if he's going to look like his daddy.  Right now I think he looks like his mom!  Either way, we love him so much!

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