Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Good Ole Summertime!

We're having fun together at home.  Here's some pictures of what we've been up to.

Lil Miss Picasso

I put an old t-shirt on her as a paint shirt.  It was a good thing I did...

It was really messy, but a good project for outside.

We went on a quick shopping trip to The Greene (love that place!) last week, and I let her run in the fountain for a little bit.  She was a little timid of the water shooting up, but she had fun running around.  We'll have to go back again...too bad it isn't closer!

Turning into Mrs. Potatohead.
We've spent plenty of time playing in the water.  The water table isn't nearly as fun as it was last year.  Vera spends a lot of time trying to get inside the table or else she dumps all the water out. 
The pool, on the other hand, is a huge hit.  We filled it up in the morning, and the water was ice cold.  She couldn't wait for it to warm up, which was my intention, so she went out to slop in the freezing water.  Fifteen minutes later, Adam is telling me to bucket warm water from the house for her.  She just couldn't wait!
One bonus to bucketing warm water from the house is that the pool water didn't turn orange within 30 minutes.

I really like these next several pictures.  It's pretty cool how I managed to snap just as she poured the water.

This was absolutely hilarious!  I made Vera come in from her pool to get out of the sun and eat some lunch.  While she was waiting to go back out, she found my shoes.  She kept saying she was going to wear mom's tap dancing shoes, and when I looked over, she was walking out of the kitchen with my shoes on.  With each step she took, she was saying, "Tap.  Tap.  Tap."  I laughed so hard that I had tears in my eyes.  She was so good at walking.  Such a clown, as my dad would say!
We watched the Poultry Days Parade at Ben & Mandee's house.  Vera was so good during the parade.  She wasn't afraid at all and sat like a big girl on the curb.  It didn't take her long to figure out how to pick up the candy either.  I had to grab her a few times because she was going a little "too far out."

Here I believe she's doing The Hotdog Dance to the music from one of the parade entries.

She's enjoying a "popsicle" at the parade.  You can see she's decked out with loot from the parade: stickers, necklace, candy...
In case you haven't heard, Vera also got her drivers license recently.  Whenever the cars need pulled into the garage for the night, Vera usually rides along so we know where she's at while we're moving.  Her dad lets her drive.  They think it's outrageously hilarious to honk the horn at mom who is watching, taking pictures, and startled out of her skin. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

It's Summer!

We officially started "summer vacation" on Tuesday.  I made my list of summer projects on Monday afternoon, and I'm happy to report that I've already crossed a few things off the list.  There's plenty more waiting...  The weather has been perfect the last several days.  I'm looking forward to many days of playing outside and hanging out with Vera.

We kicked off summer with a popsicle on Monday afternoon.  Since then, Vera has asked for popsicles for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner.

 On Monday I also bought a Little Tikes Picnic Table to put outside on our patio area.  It was a great purchase.  Vera loves it.  We ate lunch and dinner outside on Tuesday.  On Wednesday, we colored outside.  Later that day, I discovered that the crayons never made it inside and they melted.  Terrific.

Notice that Baby and Bunny had to come outside and watch her eat.  Since this incident, bunny went for a surprise dunk in a bucket of water and had to visit the washing machine.  Onery two year-old for sure!

Tuesday evening was really nice outside, so we went for a walk while Adam was at golf.  We stopped at Ward Park to play.  Vera played in the sandbox there for about 30 minutes.  She was so good.  I sat on the bench and watched her play.  She cried when we left.  Thank goodness for Crocs.  The last three nights the Crocs took a bath after Vera because they were so dirty. 

Hooray for summer!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Blast from the Past

It was a quiet weekend around here.  I'm winding down another school year, Adam worked on projects outside, and we went out to eat a few times.  On Saturday, Adam decided to set up his old tent for Vera to play in.  This tent is vintage.  It's the same tent that Adam and I camped out in for Poultry Days many years in a row.  The tent also left it's mark at Barga's pond back in the Creekside softball drinking days.  (That seems like so long ago!)  As Adam was contemplating setting it up, we were discussing the last time the tent was set up.  I said it was a solid 5-8 years.  Adam said close to 10 years.  I know the tent hasn't been out since we've been married.  (Tenting is not my thing.)  And I don't ever remember it being out when Adam lived at 1018.  About 20 minutes later, I could hear stakes pounding in the ground outside.  Shortly after, Adam walked in and said "2005."  This is what he found:

I laughed pretty hard when I saw them.

Meanwhile, Vera loved the tent.  She and Adam had pillows, blanket, water, and flashcards in the tent to play.  Vera even asked when they laid down on the pillows if they could watch TV in the tent.  haha  It got to be pretty hot in the tent, so we came out and Adam put it away before the rain.  Although I will say the tent could use a spell of "airing out" because it smelled kind of old and funky.  Adam called me a "city girl" for that comment.  He apparently has forgotten where I grew up.

Adam is sure he and Vera are going to have a campout sometime this summer.  We'll see how that transpires...