Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cheap Fun!

It's been too chilly to go to the pool or play in the water at home, which has been disappointing.  But, we did find a way for Vera to play in the water without getting in the water.  She loves helping me water flowers, so tonight I filled up the watering can, brought out some cups and bowls and let her play.  She spent a solid 30 minutes pouring water into the bowls, pouring it into other bowls, dumping it out, stomping in the puddles, and asking for more water.  She got a little frustrated when the watering can was too heavy for her to pour.  It was also tricky for her to pour water into the yellow cup without it spilling.  I guess this is good motor skills for her.  Surprisingly, she wasn't soaked at the end, and she had fun.


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