Friday, November 1, 2013

Trick or Treat 2013

The chicken costume was a hit.  I bought it at a garage sale in April for $3 and I got it out a few weeks ago to be sure it fit.  Vera was thrilled to put it on.  Immediately she started saying "Bock! Bock!" and trying to "peck" us. 

Shake your tail feather!  :)

We had a lot of fun this year for trick or treat.  Adam taught Vera the jingle "Trick or treat, smell my feet.  Give me something good to eat."  Thank goodness he didn't teach her the rest.  She thought it was fun to sing the song as family and friends greeted her at their door.  We made the same rounds as last year.  Grandma & Grandpa's, where we also saw Aunt Mandy, Uncle Jeff, and Mr. Blake the peanut. 

Later we stopped to see Uncle Steve (and Aunt Lindsey, who we missed) and Patty, and Kristina.  Our last stop was at Grammy & Papa's where we saw Uncle Brian, Aunt Mindy and Bailey the pirate. 

Thanks to everyone for the nice treats!  On our way home from trick-or-treating, Vera asked if she could do it again.  She also asked on Monday and Tuesday if she could go.  I don't think she'll be forgetting what it means to go trick or treating. 

These are silly glasses that Patty bought as a treat for Vera since she's been doing such a good job with her school work.  Happy Halloween from our little spook!

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