Monday, June 9, 2014

36 Weeks

It's getting closer.  And thank goodness it is.  Within the last 2 weeks, I've started to feel more uncomfortable, more gigantic, more tired, and more ready to meet this baby!  Overall, everything is going very well.  I passed my last hurdle before delivery, which is a negative result on the Group B Strep test.  Hooray!  My blood pressure is good (120/60), and the baby's heart rate is around 139.  At my 36 week appointment, Dr. Train said I am 1-2 cm dilated, but I have lots of progress to make before I'm ready to have this baby.  From 36 weeks to 37 weeks, I actually lost weight, which is normal and a pleasant surprise.  I'm measuring just slightly smaller than what's normal.  I haven't gained nearly as much weight this pregnancy than with Vera--and a good thing too!  With Vera I gained almost 50 pounds!  Eek!
36 weeks 0 days

Now that school is over, I can focus more on getting things ready for a newborn in our house.  Hearing that I was slightly dilated was a real reality check to get organized.  I've laid out a few things to pack in my bag.  Adam and Vera assembled our baby swing about a week ago, and Vera just couldn't wait to play with it.  She has played babies a lot more lately, and her babies have spent lots of time in our swing.  Most of the time, her babies swing really fast.  I told Adam it's good that the swing is out now, so we can practice being gentle and slow in the swing.  Today I cleaned up the car seat and washed up a few other baby things.  I have diapers and wipes here and the sleepers are washed.  I'd say we're ready enough. 

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