Friday, June 27, 2014

39.5 Weeks

So here I am.  Everything is about to get very real.  I've been filled with many emotions over the last several days.

I've been scared to death for labor and delivery and slightly intimidated by the days and weeks to come.  It's a good and bad thing that I've been through this once before.  Good because I know what to expect, and bad because I know what to expect.

I'm so excited to meet the newest member of our family.  I wonder if he/she will look like Vera.  I'm a little nervous about our boy name.  I still can't make a decision.  Adam says it's up to me at this point.  Maybe it will be a girl and then I won't have to make a decision.  I have a hard time making big decisions.

Sleep hasn't come easily, so I've been pretty tired.  I was awake two nights ago for about 3 hours reading a book because I couldn't get comfortable in bed.  Last night I took Tylenol PM before bed, and slept so well.  It felt good to get a night of quality rest.

I have been easily irritated and annoyed, mostly with day-to-day activities.  Moving around is such a challenge.  Carrying a clothes basket is quite a sight.  I get frustrated when I have to bend over to pick something up.  The hardest part of my day is getting up when sitting on the floor.  My hands have started to go numb when washing or fixing my hair.  Dr. Train says that's due to pressure on nerves and an increase in blood and fluid volume.  The true blessing is that it's summertime, and I don't have to be on my feet at work each day.

I have been trying to soak in as much one-on-one time with Vera as possible.  We've played games and watched shows together, taken naps and rocked together, and had some really funny conversations.  She told me today that she thinks only one more day until her baby brother or sister arrives.  I hope she's right!  She thinks we should name her sister Mya and her brother Nick or John.  haha  Throughout most of the pregnancy she's said we should name this baby Thumby.  No idea what's up with that, but I do know she's really excited to be a sister, though it will be quite an adjustment for her too!

The last few days have been filled with chores.  I wanted to clean up really well because I know it won't get done for a few weeks after the baby comes.  Yesterday I washed all of my bedding.  Nothing beats a clean bed--especially when you're super-tired or not feeling well.  I have most of my laundry caught up.  Adam went with me to get groceries on Sunday, and we stocked up on things to make quick, easy meals.  Adam has been a big help the last few weeks.  He knows that I haven't been sleeping well, and he sees how hard it is for me to do certain things.  I really appreciate him helping me, especially with Vera and at mealtime.

Today I had my doctor's appointment.  So far, I've gained 25 pounds, my blood pressure is 112/72.  The baby's heart tones today were at 150, which is the fastest they've been in a few months.  I'm measuring in at 39 cm.  Last week it was 36 cm, so this baby is definitely growing.  However, Dr. Train said this baby is not as big as Vera was.
I asked Vera to take my picture before I left for the appointment (since she knows how to take pics now.)
^ This is the first pic she took.  Not bad really.
Below is the second picture she took.

Then Vera wanted me to take her picture.  Here she is...savoring the last days of being an only child.
So I resorted to taking my own pics in the mirror.
39 weeks 3 days

Dr. Train gave me the option to come in on Sunday evening for an induction.  I don't know how I feel about that.  On one hand, I'm really ready.  But, I'm also so afraid of being induced for a lot of reasons.  I get the feeling from Adam that going in on Sunday could be a good option because he could plan ahead at work, we could have Vera where she needs to be, and feel organized and calm.  But, the good thing is that Dr. Train is on call this weekend, so if I decide on Sunday morning I want to go in, all I have to do is call the hospital.
After talking to Dr. Train today, we decided to strip my membranes.  After doing that, she had a good feeling that things could start happening soon.  She said I'm about 3 cm dilated and things are looking more favorable.  I think I've been having a few contractions since then, but I don't really think they're regular enough to time.  I did pack my bag more thoroughly tonight.  Vera's things are also packed and ready to go.

I've been praying for a healthy baby and a safe, easy delivery.  I know this is all on God's timing, and everything will work out just fine.  Hopefully it will be soon...

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