Saturday, July 19, 2014

3 Weeks of Vince in Pictures

In 3 weeks time, we've learned that...
...sometimes he has to cry himself to sleep.
...he LOVES his pacifier!
...he eats 3-4 ounces every 3 hours religiously; therefore,
...he is a PIG!
...pumping during the day and nursing through the night is working really well.
...he's growing!  At 19 days old at his well check he weighed in at 8 lbs. 10 oz.  In another week, newborn clothes and diapers will probably be too small already!!
...he sleeps as much as 6 hours at night in his car seat.  
...he doesn't like to lay flat on the floor or in his bed.
...a swaddle helps him sleep at night.  He looks like a little mummy all wrapped up! is sometimes a struggle for him to sit and be content when he's awake.
...he likes his swing and bouncy seat.  
...just like his big sister, he rubs his head and hair when laying flat.
...he doesn't really like to take a bath.  
...his cord, circumcision and mouth sores have healed nicely.
...we just love him to pieces!

We are working on sleeping in his bed.  So far, the most we can get is 2 hour stretches.

The paci is his friend, and if he doesn't have it...

...he'll suck on his fingers!

It's such hard work to be a baby.  Love this picture!

When he has his little belly full, he'll lay his head on my shoulder.  Sweet boy!
1st tub bath at 3 weeks old.

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