Tuesday, November 11, 2014

4 Months

Vin is 4 months old already!  Time is flying by.  It makes me sad that he's so big already.  In a few short months, he'll be rolling everywhere, sitting up and crawling!  I'm trying to soak in as much snuggly baby time as I can.  They sure don't stay little for long.

Vince is such a happy little boy now, and will always give you a smile when you talk to him.  When you walk in the room, he lights up with excitement, and he can definitely follow us as we walk around the room.  He loves to vigorously kick and kick and kick when he's playing or excited.

Vin really loves Vera and the attention she gives him.  And, she really loves him back.  She always greets him with, "Vin!  Hi Bud!"

He's become awfully rolly polly.  I don't know how much he weighs exactly, but based on his chubber thighs and round belly, I'd say he's at a healthy baby weight.  His 3 month clothes are almost too small and plenty tight.

He started rice cereal around the beginning of November.  He had no trouble in mastering the ability to swallow.  Usually he's fairly patient between spoon fulls, but occasionally he does fuss in impatience.  He also likes to chew on his fingers while eating cereal, which makes for a real mess.

The poor little baby had a case of Hand Foot Mouth Virus last week.  It's been passed around at our babysitter.  He ran a fever first and then started waking through the night.  At first it was frustrating because I had no idea why he was waking up.  I thought maybe he was teething, which would explain the fever and irritability.  Toward the end of the week, we noticed some raised spots throughout his body.  By the weekend, he had it all around his face.  Unfortunately, there's not much that can be done because it is a virus.  We did lots of rocking and snuggling.  In fact, most of our Saturday we rocked while he slept for a few hours because he would wake in discomfort every time we laid him down in his bed.  Fortunately, he was a trooper and bounced back to his happy self within a few days.

Probably his most favorite thing to do right now is play with his hands.  He's always twisting, turning and folding his hands.  Sometimes it looks like he's praying.  And then usually, they end up in his mouth.

He's started to coo and squeal a lot more, and his coos are definitely getting louder!  :)  When he sits in his bouncy seat, he's started to reach for the toys and play with them.  He really likes his playmat and firmly grips those toys as well.  The seat in the kitchen is also still a favorite.

We might be biased, but we sure do think he's cute, and we love him to pieces.

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