Saturday, December 13, 2014

3.5 Years Old

A little update on Vera Lou, who is 3.5 going on 13....

I love listening to her talk, think and pretend.  She has said some really funny things lately.  I wish I could remember all of them.  Here are some highlights:

*In a very ashamed voice, "Dad, Melody's hair is stained."  Because she got mustard in her mermaid Melody's hair, and we have preached over and over again that mustard stains.

*"Mom, can I get a bike with stabilizers?"  She means a bike with training wheels.

*"Carter has a baby sister.  Her name is Willwee."  No, not Willy.  Lily.  

*"We need to pray for the baby in Naggie's mommy's belly."  She means Maggie.

*"We pray that Aunt Mindy, Aunt Lindsey and Aunt Karen's babies get baf-tized."  She means baptized. But really she means that they're born safely when it's time.

*"Ahh-may-wouu-yah"  singing along in church to the Alleluia.   

*"There's a mud puddle in my bed."  Because she wet the bed.

*When taking a bite of food that is still too hot, she quickly took a drink.  After she swallowed she said, "Schew!  I had to put out the fire."

*When holding Vince on the couch, "Mom, you can have him back now."  
Me:"Is he getting heavy for you?"  
Vera: "Yeah, he has a lot of mass."  
Me: "What is mass?
Vera:  "Mass is what makes you heavy."  

*When putting on a puppet show for Vince she announces, "I need a volunteer.  Anyone want to be my volunteer?"  
Me:  "What is a volunteer?"  
Vera:  "Oh, a volunteer is just a helper."

*"Mom, do you know what a vulture is?"  "No, Vera, what is it?"  "'s kind of like a flamingo."  Yeah, kinda.  

*"Mom, I yove you.  Even if you do stink."  Good to know.  

*She's still learning how to speak correct English.  It's pretty interesting to listen to what she comes up with.  (goed, sleepted, falled, climbded")

Vera has really changed her eating habits within the last six months.  Usually she eats really well, often asking for more.  Her favorite foods are cheesy potatoes, blue jello, hard boiled eggs, mac and cheese, pickles, and lunchables.  She will eat any meat as long as she has ranch to dip it.  Nearly every morning she eats pancakes for breakfast, although lately she's thrown in blueberry and chocolate muffins.  When we go out to eat, Vera orders her own drink every single time.  One food Vera will not eat is tomato sauce and any food that has tomato sauce in it.  She's not big on pizza, spaghetti, sloppy joes, etc.  

Vera's ultimate favorite thing to do right now is play dress-up.  As soon as she gets home from Patty's house, she's putting on a dress, skirt, shoes or jewelry.  There are plenty of nights when she eats her supper with fairy wings on.  Most nights she cries when she has to take them off to take a bath.  Even after her bath, she sometimes puts the skirts back on.

She has an incredible imagination.  She's always imagining something, pretending something, or creating something.  Every morning when I go in to wake her up, she pretends to be a different animal.  We've had everything from elephants to sharks to owls and ducks.  I have to play along with the animal. One morning she was a puppy and I had to pet her, let her out of the cage, and get the puppy's food (breakfast) ready.  It makes the morning a little more fun, and keeps Vera on her toes.

The kids continue to do school work at Patty's house.  Vera has learned to rhyme, and she loves doing it.  She's always making up nonsense words that rhyme.  But, she does know how to rhyme legitimate words too.  She can write her name and can read a few simple books.  Just last night I had her reading the words in our book at bedtime.  Amazing!

We're always working on making good choices and listening.  Some days are better than others.  Here's a picture from the first hour of our first snow day.  Vera got all of this out of system and we had a good day after this episode.

Never a dull moment around our house.  Vera Lou keeps life interesting.  We love her much!

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