Friday, October 23, 2015

Life With 3 Kids

It's only hit me a few times that we really have three kids.  How quickly that has happened!  Life here is so busy, but also so good.  Over the last several months, Adam and I have had some anxiety (me more than him) about how we're going to  manage 3 kids.  Here's a few things I don't want to forget as we adjust to being a family of 5...

...In one of our first evenings at home, Vince was really grumpy.  Adam put him in bed for a nap and he cried for a short bit.  I was downstairs feeding Annie and could hear his screams.  Though it was hard to listen to, I had this sense of calmness.  I remember thinking to myself, "Everything is going to be ok.  This is going to work out just fine."  Weird, huh?  In a time when things were challenging, it's as if someone was sending me a message saying, "You can do this!  You're going to do great!"

...We were home for 4 days when all of us needed to go somewhere together.  Adam had to get the 3 carseats in the Durango.  It took him a little while, but he managed to get all of them straight across the seats.  No one is sitting in "the way back," which works out well.  He came in the house after installing all of the seats, and he was shaking his head and smiling.  This is our life now, huh Adam!?

...Right at the same time Anne was born, Vince started cutting his molars.  All 4 of them are coming in at the same time.  It started with nasty diapers and diaper rash.  Then a fever, no appetite, grumpy, and finally a snotty nose.  After about 3 weeks, I think it's safe to say he is over the hump.  This presented quite a challenge for us as we adjusted to having a newborn.  Vince was up through the night and grumpy through the day.  Motrin and Tylenol saved the day (and our sanity!)

...It seems that Vince became exponentially more ornery around the time that Anne arrived.  He may not be able to talk at all, but he understands so much of what's going on.  He tears things up just for the sake of doing so, and then he moves on to the next thing--always looking for trouble.  Lately, we've found things like snack bowls and sippy cups in the trash, socks in the diaper pail, and containers of wipes completely emptied on the floor.  He opens drawers and pulls out all of the clothes.  He always wants his shoes and socks on.  Yesterday he found the toaster in the cupboard and turned the dial to the highest setting.  When I went to make toast, it was completely charred because I don't regularly check the setting.  I guess I will be now!  When we want him to climb upstairs, he won't.  But when we're busy or not looking, he slips up the stairs so quickly.
This wild man spends a lot of time in this seat when I'm home with the kids by myself.  It's a good thing he's cute, because he's so very ornery!
...Anne is almost 3 weeks old, and I don't know if I can handle being at home with all 3 of them for an extended period of time.  I've had so much help with the preschool/sitter drop off and pick up.  I decided to do it on my own this week.  The mornings are hectic and usually someone is crying for a short bit, but we've made it.  Thankfully, Anne is such a good little baby.  She usually sleeps peacefully while I chase Vince around and help Vera get ready.

...Mealtime has been a disaster more than it hasn't.  We have been so, so appreciative of the meals our family has brought to us.  It's been such a time and energy savings!  But, inevitably when it is time for us to eat, I am tied up feeding Annie.  Adam has tried to manage on his own, and most of the time he does great, but it does test ones patience.  Both kids require a lot of help at mealtime, and someone always needs something.  Vince finds it fun to throw food on the floor.  Vera is sometimes demanding and forgets to use silverware.  And, if someone doesn't get a nap, forget about having a meal that's enjoyable.

...The kids' laundry piles up so quickly.  I find myself washing a load of kids' things daily or at least 3 times per week.  I guess with blankets, sweatshirts, and dressing in layers, it doesn't take long!

...We have a lot of things that get started and not finished due to interruptions, exhaustion and forgetfulness.  Here's one such example.  We watched the sun rise on these towels one morning.  They made it to the washer and out to dry, but never back inside at the end of the day.  Oops!

...We realize that it's going to be a long winter.  It will be hard for us to go out for an evening and have a babysitter.  These three are a lot to handle right now!  But, I must remember that these are the days.  These guys will only be little for a short while, and I need to soak them in even if it is hard.  Someday I know we will look back and smile, hopefully fondly, at these busy and crazy days!  :)

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