Thursday, January 7, 2016

A Birthday and A Baptism

During the month of November & December, the Otte family saw each other every weekend.  We had Annie's baptism, Scarlett's birthday party, Cohen's baptism, & the extended Otte family Christmas party all on consecutive weekends.  It was fun, but also busy!  

At Scarlett's birthday party, it was decided to take a picture of all the kids.  It's a big undertaking, and I love everything about the outtakes.  These are way, way better than the ones where everyone's happy and looking at the camera.

At the beginning of December, we traveled to Findlay for Cohen's baptism.  He had a nice baptism at a beautiful church.  The party afterward was fun, too!  

 The baptismal font was at the entrance of the church in a gathering area.  It was beautiful!  We stood around the font for the baptism, so we had to corral the little ones from taking off.  All Vin wanted to do was run or eat snacks.  Papaw tried to hide the snacks, and of course he was unsuccessful.  I had Vin lost for a few minutes, and honestly I felt pretty panicked.  The church was huge, there were tons of places for him to hide, and I was not familiar with the building at all.  I found him hiding behind one of the entrance doors with a big, ornery grin!

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