Recently, someone posted on Facebook a list of questions to ask your child without any prompting. I thought I should document Vera's answers.
1. What is something I always say to you?
Love you!
2. What makes me happy?
When I make good choices
3. What makes me sad?
When I make bad choices.
4. How do I make you laugh?
You teach Vince funny things
5. What was I like as a child?
You played with Grandma Otte
6. How old am I?
7. How tall am I?
100 ounces
8. What is my favorite thing to do?
Clean up the basement
9. What do I do when you're not around?
Have fun.
10. What am I really good at?
Working like a mom
11. What am I not very good at?
I don't know.
12. What do I do for a job?
13. What is my favorite food?
14. What do you enjoy doing with me?
Vera has physically grown in the last months. She's definitely taller; she can reach almost anything on the counter top. Her pants aren't too short yet, but I can tell her legs are getting longer. She's such a great helper. I feel bad because she's often our "gopher" running to get things for us. She's awesome at entertaining Annie and helping Vince when he's squealing. She can buckle herself into her car seat, which is a huge help! She also knows how to zip her coat, thanks to her awesome teachers at school. Though she doesn't like it, she can get herself completely dressed on her own. She's awfully pokey, so it's best if someone is around to guide her and keep her on task.
Here is Vera on Wacky Wednesday at preschool. We had some wackier clothes picked out, but Vera decided she didn't want to wear them at the last minute. She was excited about the pigtails and tall socks. |
I am so amazed at Vera's academic growth since September. At the beginning of preschool her handwriting and coloring were very rigid. She could write her name, but it was fast and reckless. She wasn't able to write many other letters. Now, she spends a lot of time writing the names of everyone in our family on every piece of paper she gets her hands on. She can also write our last name and the names of some of her friends. She's starting to sound out words and try to write them herself. Preschool has been so good for her! I can't believe how quickly she's learned to do so much!
Her coloring has improved so much! She can stay in the lines, and she colors slowly and more carefully. |
She still has a lot of problems with reversals, though developmentally, it's very normal. Notice the "d" in Adam's name is backwards as well as the "P" in Pearson. She often writes the "a" in Vera backwards. Her name usually looks like Verp. haha |
In the mornings before walking down to preschool, we always stop at my classroom so I can drop off my bags. Almost everyday, Vera draws something on my board while she waits. One day, she wrote her name with a smiley face. As my students came into the room that morning, they saw her name on the board, and all of the girls wrote their names near Vera's with a smiley face. (They're a great group of kids!) When Vera came back after preschool and saw it, she was thrilled. It was really sweet of my students to do that for her. She thought it was awesome! I wish I would've taken a picture. I kept it up for several days because it was so cute, and I was sad to erase it!
Vera is not the least bit shy. When I take her to the daycare at preschool, she often has to play with kids that aren't in her preschool class. She has no problem sitting down and playing with them. Her teachers tell us that she's very well-behaved at school, though I can imagine that her bossiness shines through from time to time.
Some of the high school teachers gather in one classroom before school starts. They asked to have Vera stop to say good morning to them everyday because they get a kick out of her. When I made Vera stop in the doorway and say hello for the first time, she was nervous and bashful, but she did say good morning. They love having her stop by every morning!
Vera is a master at playing pretend and talking to herself. I can remember doing the same things as a kid. She will sit and play pretend for hours. Recently she's enjoyed sitting at the table playing with her Legos. She also likes to pretend she's at preschool. Sometimes she sits in her bed and pretends she's reading books to her class.
She's still a TV nerd. She likes to watch shows on her new tablet she got for Christmas. I'm still convinced she'd watch TV all day long if we'd let her.
The latest form of entertainment in the Pearson household is music. Adam got a Bluetooth speaker for Christmas, so we spent a lot of time listing to Pandora & YouTube. Vera has caught on to the lyrics of lots of songs. Her favorites are Uptown Funk, Sugar, House Party, & Shut Up and Dance. It's hilarious to listen to her sing and invent words when she doesn't quite know the lyrics.
The Little Miss sure is growing up; we are proud of her and the person she's becoming. We'll savor her innocence and the little girl in her for as long as we can...