Thursday, February 11, 2016

Vince is 18 Months

Vince sure is something else!  We joke that he's kind of like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.  One hour he is so sweet, so content and so good.  The next hour (or minute!) he's squealing, grumpy and throwing a fit.  Adam says he turns into a pumpkin in the blink of an eye.  When he's in pumpkin-mode, we have to try a few dozen things to make him happy.  Sometimes we find out what he wants and other times it's a lost cause.  He can really test our patience when he's a pumpkin.  In his defense, he usually turns into a pumpkin when he's tired.

He still says no words consistently.  He communicates exclusively by pointing, grunting and squealing.  We've figured out his language fairly well.  Maybe he doesn't talk because he doesn't need to.  Vera talks for him or else he gets what he wants with the communication techniques he has.  If we ask him, he can say something that sounds like "please."  Sometimes he shakes his head yes/no, but that's rare.  Occasionally he will try to say "Annie" or "Vera" and he can say "mama" while whining for something he wants.  He will say "football" and during the Super Bowl, we got him to say "touchdown" while giving the touchdown signal.  haha  

To document some of his communication, he will point to his diaper when he wants it changed.  He loves Paw Patrol right now, so he refers to that as "Paw."  It's the only show he likes to sit and watch regularly, which is a godsend when he turns into a Pumpkin.  We've recorded plenty of Paw Patrol episodes so we have them anytime they're needed.  He brings us the remote when the commercials come on so we can fast forward through them.  What a spoiled kid!  When I pick him up from Patty's, he doesn't tell anyone bye until we're walking to the car or inside the car.  Then he waves bye or says "buh bye."  I usually put him in the car first, and as I'm buckling him in, he points to Annie's spot in the car as if he's saying, "Don't forget about Annie!"

Do you see his little head laying down watching TV?  He lays so nicely when he watches Paw Patrol.  Honestly, it's good for him to sit and relax for a bit.  He is a busy, on-the-go kid all day long!
Likes to be covered up when laying down.  (Oh, and loves to mess with the remote buttons, too!)
Believe it or not, he is watching Wheel of Fortune here.  He didn't move for at least 10 minutes.
He has some pretty hilarious body language and gestures.  When he wants to say "Shhhhh!"  he puts his finger to his lips and blows, as if he's blowing out candles.  :)  When he wants to blow on his food to cool it down, he nearly rests his lips on his plate and blows quick, short breaths of air on his food.  When we wipe his nose, he gives the "raspberry" noise as we wipe his nose to mimic what it sounds like to blow your nose.  He thinks it's fun to play peek-a-boo, and I just love his little hands covering his face.  Super cute!  When he has a stinky diaper and we tell him to hold his nose, he puts his finger under his nose as if he's holding in a sneeze.  He likes to brush his teeth and comb his hair, but he hates to have his hair washed in the tub.  He also refuses to wear a bib.  And, he cannot stand to have his sleeves or pant legs pushed up.  It drives him crazy!  He's doing a good job at using a fork and spoon.  When he wants to, he can poke his food with a fork and feed himself.  He also does well with a spoon.  I can say with confidence that he's going to be a lefty.

He knows where his hair, belly, eyes and ears are.  He doesn't have much interest in learning any other body parts.  Sometimes he'll tell us what a cow and puppy say and he knows he's 1 year old.  Beyond that, he's not too interested in our puppet-like questions.  

He's definitely getting taller.  His pants aren't quite as long on him as they were at the beginning of winter.

Often times, he gives us an ornery grin without showing his teeth.  It has "I am rotten." written all over it.  Speaking of his orneriness, he knows how to open the dishwasher, even when it's latched.  He thinks it's great fun to empty what's inside.  It's pretty gross (and annoying) to find him playing with dirty dishes.  He eats all kinds of food off of the floor.  If he finds a random snack, he pops it in his mouth, even if it's a day or two old.  Yucky!  One day, he spilled his snack bowl on the floor in the kitchen.  I told him to pick them up, and he promptly laid down on his belly and ate all of the snacks by picking them up with his mouth only.

When it comes to snacks, the boy MUST have a snack each day after school.  Before I can get Vera & Annie in the house or any of the other paraphernalia from the day, he has to have a snack in hand.  I have tried to make him wait 5 minutes, and it's not worth it.  He has a total meltdown while hanging on the pantry door or refrigerator.  So, I make him sit down on a blanket in the living room and eat his snack while I get everyone inside and settled.  

He likes to play with his Paw Patrol pups.  He plays really nicely with Vera's old baby.  He loves giving the baby her pacifier and bottle.  When baby goes to sleep, he gives us the "Shh!" gesture.  haha  He likes to play with his farm animals.  When they're hungry, he feeds them with one of Vera's play spoons from her kitchen.  So cute!  But, his ultimate favorite thing is to read books.  He will bring us book after book and sit on our lap and listen to the story, but only when he's in the mood.  His favorite books are My Truck is Stuck, Honk Honk Beep Beep!, and the Tractor book.  If he doesn't want to read the books, he's especially good at standing on the stool and clearing the bookshelves.  Vera's bedroom floor is regularly covered with books, thanks to Vin.

It's hard to see, but he's feeding the cows here with the spoon.

The poor child has had to fight for every. single. tooth.  It seems like he gets several at a time and they're mean when they come in.  He gets terrible diarrhea, diaper rash, fever, runny nose, grumpy, and loss of appetite when he teethes, which usually lasts for a few days; however, it feels like eternity for his mom and dad.  

Vinners really is a good kid, but he sure has his moments when he gives us a run for our money....kind of like when he was a little baby.  We're just used to it.  That's our Vince and we love him no matter what!

Likes to take a bath.  Hates to take his shoes off to get in the tub.  Hates having his hair washed.  Hates getting dressed.  Likes Olaf.  Just another day with Vinners.

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