Monday, February 15, 2016

Family Events

Though Old Man Winter is here, we have managed to get out of the house with our kids on the weekends for a few family events.

Dylan had his birthday party at the bowling alley at the end of January.  I thought for sure Vince would be a liability the entire time we were there, but he was actually very good.  He ate lots of snacks and sat on the step to watch.  He didn't run around nearly as much as I'd thought he would.

He even helped bowl once or twice.

Vera Lou did a good job of rolling the ball by herself.  She had fun!

And Annie Pie slept in her seat for quite a while...

We traveled to Findlay for Cohen's 1st Birthday at the beginning of February.  I don't have any pictures from the actual party, but the kids had fun playing with their cousins.  I sat in the back with the kids for the trip, and everyone was really good.  The party was so good that the kids were asleep before we were on the interstate to come home.

And we had Abby and Andy's wedding the following weekend.  The weather was bitterly cold, but the day was very pretty.  We decided to leave the younger two behind at home, but Vera had a fun day of playing and dancing at the wedding.  I didn't take many pictures that day either, but here's Vera with her grandma at Brucken's after the wedding mass.  

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