Sunday, May 22, 2016

Just a Weekend at Home

We had such a nice weekend at home.  I'm finding that I love spending time at home, especially on nice, sunny days.

On Friday evening, we played at home in the basement.  All 5 of us sat in the playroom and played farm and Paw Patrol.  It was really fun, actually.  The kids were busy pretending...and fighting.  Annie chewed on anything she could reach, and Adam and I played and mediated.  I love watching Vince play right now.  He's really changing so much and trying to talk  more and more.  He was busy feeding the animals, making the pigs oink, and pulling the wagon loads of animals with the tractor.

Adam left in the middle of the night for a fishing trip with Jeff and his buddies.  They went on a walleye charter on Lake Erie.   They had a good trip with a plentiful catch.


I was home with the kids all day on Saturday.  The weather was windy, chilly and rainy for most of the day, so we spent the day in the basement.  Vera, Vince and I had fun looking at old pictures on my phone.  We all got some laughs out of the videos I took.  It makes me realize how important it is to take videos of day-to-day things.  It's amazing to look back and hear Vera's speech, see Vince's wobbly steps, and relive events from last summer.

The kids were so good.  Vince even shared his Mickey couch.  Vera said more than once, "I can't believe I'm sitting on this Mickey couch!"
I've been starting to get out more and more baby toys that light up and play music.  When I do, it's usually a fight because all 3 want it!
Sunday was a great day.  It was warm and sunny, and we accomplished so much outside.  In addition to hanging laundry on the line, we also played on the slide for quite a while.  (Vince flies down the slide, bounces on his bottom, laughs, and goes to do it all over again!)  We also got the bubbling rock working, did some power washing, and worked in the camper.  Vera was thrilled to check on the garden and see that her sunflowers are sprouting, and the green beans are, in her words, "poking their heads out of the ground."  Vince is a sidewalk chalk maniac.  He scribbles on everything--the house, garage floor, swing set, wooden chicken, patio, play hut.

I took a picture of Vera filling the pond last year too.  Might have to make this an annual photo op?
Annie loves taking in all of the sights and sounds of the outdoors.
And, everyone was fast asleep that evening by 8:30.  I am also learning that I love a quiet house where everyone is sound asleep.

She made her blanket into a bonnet and fell asleep with it on.  haha
Snuggle buddies.  Love!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mother's Day

I had a really nice Mother's Day this year.  The weather started off warm and sunshiny, which is always makes any day just a little brighter.

I was up early to feed Annie her bottle, and she went back to sleep for a few hours, so I did too!  I woke up the second time to Vera excitedly wishing me happy mother's day.  I had to get up and close my eyes as she led me to my gift.

My favorite part of the gift was the card.  I just love her preschool handwriting!  I'll be keeping this card!

I was able to spend individual time with each of my kids at one point throughout the day.  In the morning, Vince sat nicely with me and let me read books to him.  I soaked that time in; he will sit nicely with me, but only on his terms.  He's still so squishy and snuggly, and I really love squeezing him tight.  I really believe it when people say that there's some special, unique connection between a boy and his momma!  Annie and I sat on the porch while I drank coffee and watched dad do yard work.  The sunshine was warm on our faces, and it was a perfect morning to sit outside together.  Vera and I went to the greenhouse to buy flowers and vegetable plants, and we had so much fun together.  She was so good and helpful.

When we got home, we decide to plant the garden while Annie and Vince napped.  I planted flowers in the pots while dad & Vera worked on the garden.  Vera loved helping, and it was fun to watch them interact together.

It's safe to say that watering was the best part for Vera Lou!
Cabbage, onions, cilantro, green beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, and sunflowers.  Grow, garden, grow!

What a gift it is to be a mother!  Motherhood is a love deeper than I ever imagined, and also one of the greatest challenges I've ever experienced.  Being a mom myself really makes me appreciate my own mom and all she is!  Thanks, mom, for always being my #1 fan!

Although I get overwhelmed easily these days, I am really, really trying to cherish the moments and soak it all in.  Vera & Vince's innocence and excitement for simple things really is heartwarming.  Watching them interact together, grow and change is so fun!  I read somewhere recently that you don't realize how quickly a baby grows until you  have one.  How true that is!  Thanks, guys, for an awesome Mother's Day!  Love you 3 rugrats to pieces!

Preschool Spring Program

The preschool's Spring Program was at the end of April.  Leading up to the program, Vera would not reveal what they were going to sing for the program.  She was excited about the surprise for us, so we, too, were excited to see what they had planned.

I gave Vera a shower before the program, and as I was drying her hair, she began to sob.  She was so nervous to sing in front of a lot of people.  As she cried, she kept saying that she didn't want to go.  She was scared.  I really felt bad for her, but I knew she would be excited once she got there.  I did my best to just distract her and be as excited and positive as possible.

Vince will never be left out!  Vera's brave face while fighting tears.
Five years old and almost a preschool graduate!
As you can see, it didn't take long for her excitement to come back!
When we got to school, she was ready to join her friends in her classroom.  As Adam & I made our way to the gym, we were shocked at how crowded it was!  The gym was packed!

All of Ansonia Early Childhood
The teachers introduced each preschooler as they walked through the arc.  As they sang the first song all together, I could tell Vera was searching for us in the audience.  She looked super-timid as she sang, almost as if she was hardly moving her lips at all.

Wiggly preschoolers getting ready to sing.
When it was her class's turn, they sang "Move Like a Dinosaur" and it was really cute.  She sang just slightly more energetic for this part.  Maybe that was because she finally spotted us in the top row and waved to us.  :)
Vera with her classmates.
Doing the hand motions to the song.
Mrs. Wynk, Vera's teacher, helping them as they finished.  The teachers deserve a day off for as hard as they worked to move kids on and off the "stage" for an hour.
I can't believe preschool is coming to an end.  Preschool has been so much fun for Vera!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Ferocious Kiddos

Vera & Vince received these slippers for Christmas from the McCutchins family.  They didn't wear them much over the winter, but they recently rediscovered them and think they're super cool!  Can you hear their ferocious roars?  :)

Vera is Five!

Vera Lou is five years old!  Wow!  A handful!  :)

She was so excited for her birthday.  It fell on a Wednesday, so she got to go to preschool on her special day, which was cool.  We got her a special birthday shirt to wear for the day.  She was "The Star" for the week and got to choose something out of the birthday box, which made her day.  We also made treats to share at preschool.  I made cupcakes in ice cream cones, and then we decorated them.  

I started them on Sunday evening, and thank goodness I did, because the first batch was a total flop.  I filled the cones too full, and you can see what a mess I had.  After the kids went to bed on Monday evening, I ran to buy more cones and started over.  The second round was much more presentable.

Vera wanted a sunflower cake for her fifth birthday.  I'm always intrigued by her cake selections.  Her 1st birthday was a bumblebee, 3rd was a butterfly, 4th was a lady bug, and now a sunflower.  I love the timeless, nature-related theme.  Much better than Frozen or some other pop culture theme.  :)  I went to work coming up with a sunflower idea, and I almost ordered a sunflower cake.  Then, my mom sent me an idea on how to make a flower cake.  She came over one evening and watched the kids while I decorated the cake.  It didn't turn out quite like I had envisioned, but it was sufficient and Vera was happy, so that's all that matters.

Vera was excited to find balloons on the front door when we came home from preschool on her birthday.  She also received some nice birthday cards in the mail; she loves to receive mail.  She also opened the gifts from her family...

Vince had to help.  No surprise there.

Some new books, summer clothes, and a chalk trail for her bike.

They had to start reading right away!  Love.
Vera is five.  Five whole years.  Preschool is going to be over soon, and her next birthday will be celebrated as a Kindergartener!  Wow.  This school year, Vera really has changed a lot.  For one thing, she's grown.  Her little legs are getting longer, but she's not getting much wider! :)  We'll find out this summer exactly how big she is because she'll have a physical and immunization (gasp!) for Kindergarten.

Academically, I am amazed.  At the beginning of preschool her handwriting was reckless and rigid.  She couldn't cut well with a scissors, and she couldn't read a whole lot.  Now, she's writing all kinds of words.  (She still has trouble with the letter K and number 5)  She cuts pretty well with a scissors.  It is no surprise that her vocabulary continues to expand:  she uses words like "donate" and "lair" in the correct context, which is hilarious to hear.

Vera: "See ya, mom.  I'm heading back to my lair."
Me:  "What's a lair?"
Vera:  "Oh, a lair is just a hideout."

If she's not listening to her sing-alongs in the car, she yacks nonstop, especially after preschool.  I swear she reenacts the entire school day from her car seat.  I'm going to really miss the one-on-one with her after school, even if it is only for the 10 minute drive.

Vera's favorites right now are...
PJ Masks
Goldie and Bear
playing restaurant
scribbling and drawing
playing school
playing dress-up with jewlery & accessories
making potions & casting spells
driving the Jeep
riding her bike
wearing boots
chocolate muffins
Lucky Charms without milk

The fairy is busy drawing and coloring.
And, for memory's sake...she still bites her nails and chews on her hair.  We put a nasty tasting polish on her nails, and that worked for a while.  But, then life became so busy that we aren't good about putting the polish on anymore.  The hair-chewing has been so bad that she has to wear ponytails to Patty's house.  I started putting vinegar in her mouth when I see her chewing her hair or notice crusty hair that was in her mouth earlier in the day.  She totally freaked out about the vinegar.  She was sobbing, screaming and in total panic.  I've never seen her freak out quite like she did with this.  (It was hard for Adam and I to not laugh, honestly.)  So far, it's been a little better.

Vera and Vince are really starting to play together.  I love hearing her say, "Hey Vince..." or "Vince, let's..."  Of course, he can be the thorn in her side sometimes too, as he destroys her creation or demands to have what she's playing.

We didn't get our traditional family picture from Opening Day because of one uncooperative child.  These two were happy about the Reds, though.

Vera Lou, have a great fifth year!  I can't wait for what's in store for you this year...