Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The 3 Stooges

These 3 kids have become quite the trio this summer.  Some days they get along great, and other days nothing can go right.  Usually there's fighting between two of them, but never the same two.  They play well as individuals and even as pairs.  But when all three mix, it can be quite a show.  Lots of tattling happens, usually from Vince.  Vera gets easily irritated with the sabotaging of whatever she wants to play.  Vince and Annie always want the same things at the same time.  We're best to have the same for everyone.  The same breakfasts, the same toy, the same game or activity, and sometimes even the same outfits.  We recently took the kids to McDonald's and Adam was thrilled that all 3 kids got the exact Happy Meal toy.  Fight prevention.  

Welcome to our life. Vera is smiling and cooperating.  Vince has no idea we're even taking a picture.  Annie is crying because she wants the squirt gun.  

What one wears, the other must also wear.
When the Jeep holds only 2 and you have 3 kids...

I love this picture, especially little Annie.

No one can be left out.  Everyone must have a shovel to help.

There's one in every crowd.  Vince and Vera are thrilled about wearing their fancy clothes.  Annie is pouting because she doesn't like her dress.  Just another day.

They play nicely together most days.  It's fun to watch their play and communication.  They would be lost without each other.

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