Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Annie Girl

This girl has changed so much since school has been out.  I've been saying for several months that she could be the orneriest one of the bunch.  It's coming true just as I suspected.

She marches around the house, keeping up with her siblings and holding her own.  She's pretty tough and knows how to fight back when someone challenges her.  She has a super-tight grip when clutching toys and food.  She knows how to squeal loudly "No!"  "Mine!" "Hey!"  and "Stop!" to keep others away or show her protest.  When she's treated unequally compared to her siblings, she also protests.  We have to serve her the same foods as everyone else in the same way.  If we have forks, so must she.  If we have a sandwich, so must she.  If we try to help her with her spoon or fork, she squeals "My how!"  (I know how) in loud opposition.  Don't bother to bring out a food or toy that Annie shouldn't have because she will flail and scream and revolt until she gets it.  If she doesn't flail and scream and revolt, she slaps us in the chest and shouts "Mom!  Dad!  Mamaw!  Papaw!"  until we show her our attention.

I've had multiple people ask me this summer if Vince & Annie are twins.  They're about the same height, and they must always "do" together.

Annie's speech has really developed in the last several weeks.  She says so many words, asks questions, and understands directions.  It reminds me so much of Vera at this age.  Almost daily she is learning new words and associations.  Her speech is very clear and her phrases are logical and appropriate.  Almost daily she asks me, "I Daddy?"  and when I tell her he's at work, she promptly asks "Why?"  Recently, she's started saying "Wook" and "Watch" as she wants me to watch her latest stunt.  She says "please" and "thank you" in appropriate contexts.  The responses of "yep" and "nope" (and oftentimes "yope") crack me up.  Her little mouse voice can be cute and sweet, but that voice can also turn loud and sassy when needed.

She still loves her blanket and pacifier.  I've really tried hard to enforce a "no-pacifier-or-blanket-outside-of-bed" rule.  She's started talking through her pacifier, and that's always my cue that it's time to start weaning the pacifier.  Honestly, she likes her blanket way more than the paci, so maybe it won't be hard to break.  Lately, she's started asking for them: "Bank-tee" and "Pa-tee."  Yesterday and today, she's asked to go "Nite Nite" after we eat lunch.  I gladly scoop her up, give her blanket & paci, and toss her in bed.  She lays right down and doesn't make a sound.  Sometimes I tell her to close her eyes, and she obliges by tightly squinting her eyes closed.  Makes me laugh.  Annie, you make up for your brother's less-than-desirable bedtime habits.  Even our recent high-school babysitter commented that Annie is the most well-trained baby she's ever seen.  Woohoo!

Sleep-trained and ornery, that is.
For as much as Vince is his momma's boy, Annie is dad's girl.  She lights up when he walks in from work.  She loves sitting on his lap, and I'm always amazed at how still and relaxed she is when she does.  When some crisis happens, dad can usually make everything right again for her.  He definitely has a soft spot for Annie.  I think these relationships started back when Annie was still really small, but it still fascinates me.  Adam always held Annie at bedtime as I helped the older 2 get settled and ready for bed.  He's always sort of enjoyed rocking at the end of the day as he watched TV or checked Twitter.  Vince has always been the wild card, and I always took on the task of managing him.  I'm really glad it's worked out this way.  It would be awfully exhausting to have both of them prefer me over Adam, especially since they're so close in age.  I like that Adam gets to experience this connection with a child.

Annie's met a few milestones recently as well.  It seems like she's been cutting teeth since summer started.  Adam says that there's four new ones coming, including molars.  Uck!  Those molars are so mean.  I hesitate to say that we may have the upper hand now, nearing the end.  We've gone through all of the typical molar-cutting stages--fussy, nasty nose, chewing, slobbering.  Also, last week, Annie finally got her first hair cut.  (I think when Vince was this age, he was going to the barber regularly.)  Since Annie's hair never fell out as a baby, her hair is pretty long.  I decided to have it evened up a bit for Karen's wedding next month.  Annie did so well.  Vera and I also had haircuts, and while she waited, she sat so still and just took in her surroundings.  When it was her turn, she didn't fuss or wiggle.  She willingly sat in the chair, and sat cooperatively until it was over.  Win!!  Maybe this is just "old hat" for Annie to have her hair done.  After all, we've been doing ponytails and piggy tails for months.

Speaking of hair and Karen's wedding...we tried some sponge curlers to see if Annie's hair will hold curl.  She has hair just like her momma and sister...the kind that holds no curl.
 Annie Pie, you're growing and changing so much so fast.  I know it's cliche, but I wish you'd slow down just a little.  I love watching your personality develop, even if it's full of sass.  You fit the bill of the third child perfectly.  Love you always, Nee! :)

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