Tuesday, August 28, 2012

¡Adios Summer!

Well, here we are...the first day of school!  It's truly bittersweet to see summer come to an end.  I have thoroughly enjoyed each moment that I got to spend with Vera this summer.  It is amazing how much she has changed from the last day of school until now.  I will miss all of my days with her, but it is so good for all of us to get back into a routine.  I really love fall..the cool crisp mornings, warm days, and sweatshirts at night.  I'm looking forward to pumpkins, football, mums, and colors on trees. 

As I drove to school yesterday for my teacher work day, I started thinking about all of the accomplishments of my summer.  I can honestly say that I worked more on school-related things this summer than I ever have.  (with the exception of the summer I got my Masters.)  I also really accomplished lots of projects and had lots of fun with Vera.  Here's the run down:
-Washed all the windows & cleaned the screens
-Scrubbed kitchen cabinets
-Swept house really well (under beds, furniture, etc.) with mom's Rainbow
-Got carpets cleaned
-Washed & waxed both vehicles
-Painted shutters & exterior doors
-Got my car recall service done (I've had the paperwork since last fall...)
-Read 3 books (This is really good for me...I'm not a big reader.)
-Made posters for bulletin boards
-Completed my license renewal goals and IPDP paperwork
-Worked on several lesson plans & online modules
-Went on 2 vacations (St. Louis for Elissa's wedding & Girls' weekend in Chicago)
-Got in lots of pool time
-Played outside with Vera
-Bought and ipad
-Installed new windows in our living room (and insulation, drywall, paint, crown molding)
- Updated photo albums
-Started this blog
-Turned 30
-Got my hip and back straightened out (finally!)
-Went to Farefest
-Did plenty of shopping (Vera learned to say "shopping" this summer...Love it!)
-Threw a baby shower for Mandy
-Went camping
-Hung out with friends and attended picnics and festivals
-Learned every song and commercial that the Disney channel plays

Wow!  I guess I could keep adding to the list.  Do laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, and paying bills also count?  :)  It really was a great summer!

The first day of school went really well.  I think I'm going to have a good group of kids this semester.  My classes are relatively small, which is always a plus!  Vera had a great day at Patty's house, even though she wasn't really ready to wake up and get going.  She wanted mommy a lot this morning, but Adam did a great job of getting her ready to go.  He said she didn't really want to go to Patty this morning, but warmed up a little when she saw the other kids.  When I picked her up this afternoon, she was happy and jabbering with the other kids.  Patty said she ate a good lunch, took a nap (on a comforter in the middle of the floor....this has NEVER happened!) and was "perfect" all day. 
Year #8  for mom teaching
Year #2 for Vera @ Patty's
What kind of face is that Vera Lou?  :)

When we got home from school, I put Vera's swimming suit on and we went outside to play.  Needless to say, that didn't last long.  She was exhausted!  I fed her dinner and laid her down for a nap because I couldn't do anything to make her happy.  She slept for about an hour and wasn't much better after her nap.  But, tt was such a nice evening.  Adam went to an event for work all evening, so we played outside, went for a walk, and I washed my car.  Vera took a bath and went to bed by 9.  She didn't get to see her daddy much today, but that's ok.  She'll tell him all about her first day at Patty's in the morning.

Here's to a school year filled with sanity, health and success!
¡Adios Summer!  (tear)

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